Funeral 4

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I saw the realistic wax model of me carried through the Capital of Naboo.

2 weeks have passed.

The lifeless model looked so realistic that you would probably have to touch it to realise it was fake.
It's hair was covered in small white flowers from Naboo. The dress was like water itself as the flowers seemed to float on top as it went down to the tomb it will rest in.

In it's hands was the Japor Snippet that Anakin gave to me so long ago.
If anyone told me that sweet little boy Ani I met on Tatooine was going to be the one to destroy the Jedi Order and kill the younglings, I wouldn't believe a single word for it was a sick joke but it happened.

Just to get your head around it was bizarre.

I watched the whole thing on the holonet.
It was strange watching your own funeral as if seeing it in a third point of view.

I turned it off.
It was for the best as the Emperor won't find me.

If he figured I was alive then my children will be in great danger.
I would sacrifice myself for them if they could live.

I got up from my seat and visited the twins.

They were beautiful.
They were sleeping together as they snuggled against each other and opened their eyes from time to time.
Lukes' eyes are blue just like his father as Leias' are brown just like me. Even if it's too soon to tell I think Luke will look alot like his Father as for Leia will look like me.

Even at two weeks their personalitys are being to show as Leia can be quite fearless and arrogant like her father but has a very sweet heart especially to Luke.

Luke is more opened hearted and like his sister can be a bit arrogant from time to time but I think he got that part from me.

I always wondered what it was like if, Ani was here...
It's hard being a single mother despite all of the maids.

All I wanted was them to be raised on Naboo with Anakin.

Was that really too much to ask?

But it was taken away.
By that man who I called a friend and was even my advisor!

I picked them both up steadily in my arms as I stared out of the balcony of the warm orange sun setting down in the distance of Alderaan.

I reflected on what I was told by Obi-wan back on the ship of what happened to Anakin.

"He was betrayed by Darth Vader."
"Who's Darth Vader?!"
Obi-wan rosed out of his seat and stared out of the window looking at the stars flying past.
"A man that worked closely with your husband and when I was there to stop him, he killed him.
I just managed to escape."
"But- but why?"
I was shocked for I never met or even heard of any Darth Vader.

"Power Padmé, power."

I couldn't even respond before he left the cockpit as I sat down alone with the twins in the other room...

It made me began to think.

When did Darth Vader meet Anakin?
What was their relationship like?
Was Darth Vader actually the
Sith Lord kept in secret by Palatine and was lied to Anakin of becoming one?
Did Sidious use Darth Vader to kill Anakin when he was no use?
How did he do it?
Will I see him?

So many questions about one man.
A man that I hate yet I never met.

Well, at least I have this small time to reflect and learn on the past.

A gentle gust of wind blew as the twins snuggled into me for warmth,
I guess it's time to head inside.

This is now my life...

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