Wake Up Get A Little Shake Up 10

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Me: hey I added this song because it sounds like what Padmé would feel like at moments like this with Darth Vader especially at the end. Enjoy!

Bright lights blinded me as I slowly opened opened my eyes to a grayish room with wires sticking out. It then turned to my attention that I was in some sort of medical bay.

I then heard heavy footsteps and heavy breathing that indicated to one person. Darth Vader.

I quickly closed my eyes shut fearing for my life pretending to be asleep but he's not going to buy it.

"Padmé I know your awake. Otherwise you wouldn't be so deeply concerned."

I opened my eyes again and slowly sat up straight. The Dark figure looked at me with curiosity to see if I've changed in some way. 

"How are you doing?"
"How are you alive?"
"Why did you want to know? You don't have any relations to me."

I replied in a sad tone with an edge to it, a sort of way of blaming him.
I couldn't bare to study his face to know what he was thinking. Not because of the mask but how much he had changed.

"It is very much in my business to know."
Did he even know that I knew his real identity?
"Why? Will you report to the Emperor about this?"
"No, you are not to be reported to him in anyway.
Your working with the Rebel alliance,
aren't you."
"Changing the subject matters aren't we? If you must know. Yes, I am."

I sensed a sort of anger in him,
I just know when he is in a foul mood. Mostly because of his behaviour towards me but he cooled down in seconds.

"The Child."
"What happened to it?"
"Why must you know?"

I already knew why. He's scared that he accidentally killed the children when he harmed me.

"I think you know why."
"Because you would want to turn it into a corrupted Sith who will only serve you? Is that why?"

I tried to control my tears in front of him.

"Have you still not learned your lesson? Anakin?"

"How did you-"

"Obi-wan told me-"

"OBI-WAN! Can't you see that he's the one who did this! He's trying to turn you against me Padmé!" 

I felt his anger realised on to me as he still misunderstood Obi-wans intentions. He is known for not listening to others. I don't blame him. If my loved ones brought someone trying to kill me I would probably lash out of them for doing so.

"That's what you said last time."

"But it is the truth! Accept it!"

"No, it isn't. You know it as well as I do that Obi-Wan didn't do anything. It was us- no me, I did this to you I'm the reason why you serve that monster. I'll take the blame because it's true.

Isn't it? 

Because of me you destroyed the Jedi Order. But can't you see that I'm not worth that! Ani, I'm not worth of all those lives that were killed!"

"Padmé, don't say that."

"No I'm truly not. Would you want me to kill innocent lives for something that may not happen and end up not being true?"

"Of course not, but I'm different to you."

"How long have you been having this nightmare? Doesn't it seem strange that as soon as you came back you had a nightmare about me? Isn't it possible that he gave you that dream knowing that you would try to save me and some how knew about it without you telling him about it? Can't you see clearly that this is Sidious doing-"

Padmé x Darth Vader (Behind the Mask) Where stories live. Discover now