Impossible Truth 7

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"WHAT! But that's impossible! Surely your mistaken! I refuse to believe that man is what left of... Anakin..."

I saw her connecting the dots and it then began to make perfect sense,

a man who appeared with no history whatsoever and is strong enough yet alone to defeat an army, a mask hiding his face and his deep breathing.

It all made sense.

"But Obi-wan, you told me Darth Vader killed him!"

"It is true,
from a certain point of view that is.
But I guess at the time I couldn't bare to tell the whole truth and I feared that at the time you couldn't handle it and yet myself I couldn't handle it.

But I now see that was a mistake.
It's time you knew what really happened to him."

" Obi-wan... How? How did this happen?"

I looked at her with sad eyes that needed no explanation why.

We failed him. I failed him.
I eventually found the words to continue.

"If Vader finds the twins we'll be in great danger. They are strong in the force even at infants,
just like their father,
Vader cannot know they are alive.
Not yet. "

Padmé sat down with her hand on her head. She took a deep breath and looked at me.

"Obi-wan tell what happened, really happened I can handle it. "

"I will try but this isn't easy for me to tell..."

Obi-wan told everything about the battle between Anakin and him.
How he tried to convince him that what he was doing was wrong and how Anakin told Obi-wan the Jedi were evil responding to Anakin he was lost and in a certain way, he was.

Then it came to the final part of how Anakin became the black armoured suit nightmare of what remained of him now.

"I told him not to jump but his anger blinded him as he jumped towards me saying that I
'underestimated his power' and flipped towards me like I did with how I defeated Darth Maul.

I performed a forbidden jedi move that was used by the Sith and I....

Cut off his limbs."

I stood up horrified that Obi-wan would do such a thing to his friend like brother.

"How could you do such a thing to Anakin?"

"It gets worse.
And Padmé, that is not your husbands name. Not anymore."

"I refuse to call him Darth Vader!

I still believe there's good in him and you can't change that and I will continue to believe that."

"I know Padmé, I know."

I calmed myself as Obi-wan continued

"He looked at me with hatred in his Sith eyes. He cried out I hate you to me as I said I loved him as he was my brother."

"What happened next?"

"Isn't it obvious. He fallen too close to the lava when he lost his grip. I wanted to help him but I couldn't.

I didn't have the strength to kill him,
ended his miserys.

So I left him to the flames.
He screamed.

I couldn't bare to watch and I took his lightsaber that he dropped.

I left him to the fire to decide his fate. 

He survived, because of my mistake in total made him dived deeper to the Dark Side. I'm sorry. "

"Sorry? Is that all you have to say?"

Obi-wan looked at me with sad eyes of a child being scolded at.

"Could you ever kill him yourself even if he was suffering despite him causing you pain?"

I paused. I immediately felt sorry for Obi-wan realising he'd lost way more than I ever did: I gave him my answer.

"No. I'm sorry..."

"Unfortunately, sorry won't fix anything. Especially to him."

"Is it possible for him to come back? Come back to the light?"

Obi-wan looked at me again.

"I don't know, but really... I don't think he's coming back. He's lost too much and when he sees you he'll probably dive deeper into the dark side hoping he could gain it all. Exactly like last time...
But doing that could be risky.
Are you alright? "

I wasn't alright, I was terrible.
Anakin was Darth Vader. The man she thought who killed her husband was actually him. The one who killed so many people for being a little hesitant and making a small slip up,
kills them.
Even his men.

Her husband who she fell in love with and made her whole was that monster.

"Yes. I'm alright. But what now?"

"I don't know. Probably do what we've always been doing for the last year of supporting the resistance and fighting against the Empire.

But Padmé, I'll be here if you need me too. "

"You sound like your leaving."

For the first time since he came in I saw him smile.

"Well I don't want to leave too soon. Tatooine is going to be the death of me and I know it."

I smiled back. Just like the old days.

"Well, you seem to be handling the twins and look like their doing alright."

Right at that moment Luke opened his eyes and gave out a small innocent smile to his mother.

"He has his Father's eyes... And has a strong connection to the force.

Leia is has just as strong as Luke and looks like you but has her fathers temper."

"That does explain alot... They are both quite stubborn though..."

"We'll talk later... I need to have a discussion with Bail about the news.
It will at least give you more time to think things over."

"Thank you, Obi-wan."

Obi-wan gently closed the dark wooden Oak door behind him
as soon as he left I sighed heavily lost in thought for what he had done.

Leia finally awoke and started crying with her sibling trying to calm her by giving her a hug. Leia felt his response and immediately
calm down. Luke is a life saver and so is Leia.

I picked them both up and went to put them on the couch.
The News came on which usually does repeats time to time.

"Some of the remaining jedi who survived order 66 were found on kashyyyk who have been found guilty by betraying the Senate, Emperor Sidious."


The screen suddenly changed and time felt like it stopped.


"The discovery of the Jedi location was thanks to the Emperor's second in comand,

Darth Vader."

I immediately turned it off. I couldn't bare him slaughtering even more jedi.
I stood up with the twins clinging onto me as I held them both close and Luke suddenly reaching out towards the screen behind.


I kissed her forhead and so with Luke.
I wanted them both to feel equally loved. I looked into the distance seeing the mountains glistening and feeling a cool breeze down my spine.

"Oh Anakin...
What are you doing to yourself..."

Padmé x Darth Vader (Behind the Mask) Where stories live. Discover now