Twins 2

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After Padme gave birth, the twins were put in a cot next to Padme so when she finally recovers she can have a better look at the babies herself.

While that was happening the two Jedi and Senator was descussed about what to do with the children.
"What should we do with the twins?"

As the three tried to come up with an agreement on what to do since Anakin will most likely try to turn them into the dark side if discovered alive as so as Padmé.

"Hidden, safe the children must be".Yoda told them both."We must take them somewhere safe where the Sith Lord can't sense them." "Split up they must be."

Obi-wan looked at him with shock.
"But Yoda, that will break Padmés heart! You know they are the only thing left of Anakin! She almost died of a broken heart knowing he's dead."

"Unfortunate that is... Care for Padmé I do. I see problem we have but
danger younglings will be in if together they shall.

But strong if grow together. Hmm?"

Bail finally came out.
"Mabey the twins should be with Padmé since she is the mother and come with us to Alderaan. Where she could hide with the twins."

"And Yoda, desperate times these are but under my guidance and your permission, I would like to train them."

Yoda only looked down with a grim face.
"Cannot happen. Anakin deep connection had, gone the Dark Side has he."
"But they are our only hope of bringing balance and rebuild the Jedi Order. Besides it was our fault that this happened. If we only listened... "

"True that is. Against our ways it is...
But Padmés choice it is, speak to her you must for the fate of her children she must decide."

"For now we must go into hiding."

Obi-wan only nodded.

Obi-wan got out of his seat as he walked out of the meeting swiftly making his way to Padmés Ward.

He just saw one of the twins finished what he supposed "fed" by it's mother after it was rocked to sleep in Padmés arms where she was laying in bed. Obi-wan was noticed by Padmé as she gave out a worrying look.

"How is he? Is he okay?"
I'm so sorry Padmé.
"Padmé I don't know how to tell you this but... Anakin is dead, I'm sorry."
"What do you mean? You said you didn't know! How could you be sure?"

Padmé was becoming stressed as her child in her arms (Luke) let out a small cry. Padmé rocked him gently then Luke began to quiet down.

"We'll talk about it later."
"Padmé there's something else, Yoda said that you needed to think about the fate of your children.
Darth Sidious will hunt them down."

"I know."

"He even said they should be split up but knowing what had happened he thinks it's not very wise to do so especially in the state your in.

So the other idea is that they will be raised together with you on Alderaan with Bail. But they could be in great danger.
So what do you want?"

Padmé got up as she put Luke gently back in his cot when she looked at them both. She let Leia grab her finger as so did Luke.

She almost broke down.

"I've already lost so much. I just can't let them go. They are one of the only things I have left of him.
I know it's selfish but I can't.
Please forgive me."

"I understand. I will give Yoda my word as so to Bail. We will be leaving soon as we have to go into hiding.

And for you, you too have to hide with them too. A fake funeral is being planned for you.
Not to worry but your family is informed you are alive but that's all we can say. But you won't be able to visit them for the risk is too high.
Sorry about that."

"It's okay. As long as the rest of my family is safe I'm fine I just need some time to myself. "

"Alright. I'll be here if you need me. "

I saw Obi-wan exited as I sat down and cried.

How could Anakin do this?

Was it really worth it to go to the
Dark Side?

To kill innocent children?
Even if he was going to be a father himself!

I still can't believe it and I saw it for myself.

Palatine or Darth Sidious or whatever his name is-
He turned him into a monster.

The Anakin I saw was not the one
I knew.

He's dead because of that man.

I love him.
Despite him hurting me I love him so much that it hurts to know that I'm never going to see him again.

But I can't worry about that.
I have two children to raise, I'll keep them safe and loved.

It was what Anakin would of wanted.

If he was still alive... I would go back to him.
There was still good in him...
Just deep down...

He's still Ani.

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