Obi-wan And Kids 11

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"Shhh. Please young ones.
Quiet down!"
Taking care of younglings was harder than he remembered back before the clone wars.
The clones were storming through the whole woods. There wasn't much time before-

No.... The Palace... It's up in flames...
Padmés gone. No, Padmé wanted me to protect her children and that's what I'm going to do. Her presence is still there, she's alive! And Darth Vaders too...

This is terrible... No, our only hope that Darth Vader has a small remain of Anakin left in him that still loves her and sees his wrongs.

Luke began raising his arm as if to say what's going on?

"Everything will be okay Luke... I just hope that your father is more man than machine..."

The ashes rose as the palace was lit on fire as it began to rose high up. It was lit like a torch hearing the screams of people burning inside.
Just like Anakin.

Padmé doesn't seem harmed with Darth Vader. Stubborn of her to stay but strong. Now I know why them two got along too well, they love being stubborn!

I let out a small smile at the twins.
"Come on let's get out of here."

I picked up the twins seeing that we would move faster and unsurprisingly they are really heavy together and my back pain... Ugh... Why did I sign up for this?

I could barely see anything thanks to how dark it is with the tree roots hidden in leaves and intertwined each other but letting the force guide me through.

It was true that Alderaan was working with the rebels but had no Rebel ships on the planet, for Sidious arrival in two months time. But unfortunately wasn't enough time to hid all of the evidence against Alderaan.

Unfortunately for this time there was no escape this time for Alderaan.

However, small outposts disguised as shelters are present and are unknown to most. If he told them who he was and with the two children he could get to Dantooine where the Rebel base is set up.

That way he could send help to rescue Padmé from Darth Vader.
Let's just hope she doesn't say that the kids are alive and well...

Obi-wan ran as fast as he could being swift as the breeze despite his aches and pains that he's cursed with until he was out of breath. He could no longer hear the yells or screams of troops. He was truly alone.

Until he sensed two life forms coming out of what appears to be a small bunker.

"Bail Organa told us that you would be here. And no, unfortunately he is dead. But we can't do anything about that."

"I see... How exactly did he knew I was here?"

"We have our ways. Now let's go before they find you."

The two men escorted us to a small dome like hutt but I knew it was more than it seemed.

"We knew that one day the Empire would come here but we never thought it would be this brutally..."

"So did I."

"I'm guessing these two are Luke and Leia, but where's Padmé Amidala?
I'm guessing she didn't make it.
Poor those two..."

"Actually she did but we got split up now before you ask more questions we need to get to Dantooine. Are you capable of such?"

"Yes of course. We have the ship prepared, follow us."

The two went down the steep iron stairs where we climbed carefully down until it stopped at an iron door. The man punched in his code leaving the gray door opening seeing a small Alderaan Cruiser with some people getting inside and small amounts of cargo getting loaded.

"There's your ride. We can't waste anymore time than we have so we better move it."

"Yes I can see. Come on younglings."

We boarded the ship and took our seats together. Luke started crying but Leia held him tight saying that their mother is alright. I just hope she is.

The two snuggled together in their seats and was fortunate enough to be handed a blanket by one of the crew members.

Luckily making it out of Alderaan undetected heading to Dantooine.

I just hope Padmé is okay.

That's when two droids came on board, an Artoo unit and a Protocol droid.

"Oh my! Obi-wan! Is that you! It's so good to see you this rucket bucket-"

Oh stars, here we go again...

Obi-wan sighed again...

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