My cousin is my fake BOYFRIEND: chapter 19

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Depressed. Well that was what you would expect me to be for the next few weeks but you could not be further off the charts.

I was done with being depressed, first Jake and now Hayden. No way. Enough is enough.

And so I did everything I could to forget him.

For a week he did not even try to contact me.

"Are you sure you're ok with this Mia? You can talk to me if you want," Anna said in a worried voice.

Since Hayden took off, all she ever did was ask me this question. You could say that it was not helping me out, not at all.

"I am fine Anna, how many times do I have to tell you that? In fact, there is this guy at school who asked me out. I think I am going to say yes." I said in an attempt to make her better.

Wonder who was comforting who.

To say that I was completely fine would be a lie though. I missed him and for the first two days I even cried but it was not going to change anything. So what was the point...

Hayden's POV
I miss her.

I did the right thing though, didn't I? She could do so much better than me. The question kept tormenting me all week long. I needed answers. And so I went to Jason.

"Man I don't think you did the right thing," my best friend Jason said as soon as I finished telling him our story.

"I don't know what to think anymore. She is my cousin Jase! I am not the right one for her," I tried to explain but from the glare I got, I knew he was so not siding with me on this one.

"You love her right? She loves you too. Who cares if you are cousins. You seriously think that she is happier without you? Without the guy she is in love with. Come on man, even you're not that stupid right?"

A few words. That's all it took to bring me to my senses. Jason was right. All I was doing was hurting her. I had to find her. I just hope that it's not too late. What have I done? Gosh, I was such an asshole. I freaking left her after breaking her virginity.

I have to go back...

Mia's POV
"Done. Mia, my child, I can proudly say that you are ready for your date," Anna said as she patted my hair.

"Firstly I am not your child and second, this is not a date. We are going out as friends first. I just don't feel comfortable dating anyone yet..." I finished in a murmur.

Hearing my words, her face softened and thank goodness she did not bring the 'date' word into the conversation again.

"Mia, your date is here!" shouted mom from downstairs. Seriously! She just had to say the word date.

For once that she was home and she just had to go ahead and say that.

Stop blaming her, she knows nothing about your situation, scolded my sub conscious and she was right.

All this was my fault, my fault for falling for him...

"Coming mom."

Going down the stairs in heels is harder than it looks like. It's as if I am going to topple down with each step I take.

Last step!

"You look gorgeous Mia," Brandon, aka my 'date' said blushing.

"You don't look bad yourself. Shall we go now?" I asked self consciously pulling him outside the house while mom did awwwww sounds. Now you can understand why I felt so self conscious?

"So where are you taking me?" I asked as we hit the road.

"We are going for ice cream near the park and then we can go to the movies? I hope that's fine with you...I mean we could go somewhere else if you don't want...," His cheeks were pink when he finished his rambling.

He was such a good guy. I was misleading him, wasn't I? Why couldn't I have fallen for him instead of Hayden?

"Sounds like a great plan. Stop worrying for nothing." I scolded while ruffling his hair.

He smiled. At least someone was happy. I so don't deserve him. The rest of the drive was filled with our jokes. He was so funny once you got him talking. Beyond my expectation, I started enjoying myself.

"Princess Mia, we have reached our destination," Brandon said as soon as he opened my door. Such a gentleman!

"Thank you sir." I replied taking his hand like the princess I was *insert winky face*

Hand in hand, we made our way to the movies. I know the plan was supposed to be ice cream first and then movie but who cares.

"What would you like to watch? Night at the museum 2 or hunger games 2?" Brendon asked scanning the posters.

Since I had already read all the 3 hunger games books, I opted for the night at the museum. A decision I this not regret. Not at all.

The movie turned out to be a very funny one and throwing pop-corn at Brandon was always fun. Why didn't we become friends sooner?

After one whole week of being depressive I was finally happy. Truly happy.

"That movie was awesome. You're just like the guy who liked Minty." I said jokingly and gave him a slight shoulder push.

"I am so not like him. If anything, I am Ahkmenrah the prince," he said pushing me just like I did before.

"So prince, would you like us to go for that ice cream now?" I asked, taking his hand in mine.

For some weird reason, I was totally craving ice cream!

"Of course milady, anything for you," he even took a bow and I could keep myself from laughing.

I was still laughing when I reached the ice cream van. Well my smile came to an end.

"Hayden..." I whispered.

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