My cousin is my fake BOYFRIEND: chapter 5

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"Wait for me..." Anna said panting as she reached me.I was fuming. How could these sluts say such a thing?

"What's wrong Mia, come on let's go," she said still breathless. I grabbed her hand in mine and we walked the rest of the way to the CHEMISTRY class. I took my usual seat in the front. I wasn't going to change my habits just because of Hayden. Ya I sat at the front. Well chemistry was my favourite subject so...

I took out my iPod and my plugs before going to lala land. 

"Morning class," Mr Reynolds voice brought me back to reality. Quickly, I pulled out my plugs and stuffed everything in my pencil-case since I had no pockets in that dress( Anna I want to kill you ) 

"I would like to introduce you to Mr Dallas, my new assistant. He will be helping me in class and replace me whenever i'm not present for the next few months," he continued with a smile. Wait a minute that guy never smiled. My jaw almost dropped in shock. Before I could recover, Hayden walked in.

Seeing him dressed in a pressed shirt and demin pants, I couldn't help myself, I burst out laughing. He looked so prim and proper.

"What's so funny Miss Jhonson?" questioned Mr Reynold. I quickly stiffled my laughter.

"It's alright Sir, it's just that Mia is not used to seeing me dressed like this," Hayden said grinning.

I grinned back . The trio aka the sluts' jaws dropped open in shock. They did not expect me to know the new 'HOTTIE' of a teacher. Ha, take that you bitches. 

"Class, one by one you are going to introduce yourselves to Mr Dallas except Miss Jhonson as she seems to already be familiar with him.As for me, I am goint to correct some of your papers," Mr Reynold said before walking to his desk. 

Soon enough everyone started introducing themselves. Once it was Lauren's turn, she twirled a strand of hair between her fingers and looked at Hayden as if he was a piece of meat. She then proceeded to saying in a sultry voice, "I'm Lauren Fox, pleasure meeting you Sir..."  

Hayden smiled at her uneasily. I knew Hayden hated that type of girl. Soon class started. 

"Mr Dallas, can you help me with a number, I am stuck," Lauren suddenly said raising her hands. And this my dear friends was just the beginning. Throughout the class she kept on calling him for one thing or another. I couldn't take it anymore. 

"Hayden would you mind helping me with number 16, I don't get it," I said raising my hand.

"Sure Mia," he replied.

Lauren scawled at me as Hayden walked to my desk with a smile. It was as if he was thanking me for saving him from that bitch. 

"Damn, that girl is so annoying. Why does she keep on calling me like that? What's wrong with her?" Hayden whispered to me.

"Looks like you are her new target darling," I winked at him. 

"Don't worry love, you are my one and only," he said grinning. I scowled. How could he say things like that? If only I knew.

"Mia, what about that number,..." his voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

"That was just to save you... And oh Hayden, you owe me one," I said as he walked away. 

Before I knew it, I found myself sitting at our usual table in the cafetaria eating my sandwich.

"Bitch alert," said Anna. 

Confused I looked in the same direction as her. She was so right with her choice of words. Lauren and her followers were walking towards us swaying their hips. Among the three of them Lauren looked the most like a slut. She wore a short skirt that barely covered her butt and a tank top that was so short it looked like a freaking bra! Her high heels clicked on the floor as she approached. What did she want? I wondered. 

"Hello Mia," she said in a sweet voice as she plopped down beside me. I had no clue where this was going so I just looked at her expecting some kind of explanation. 

"What do you want Lauren?" I finally asked impatiently.

"Ok if you cannot be polite enough," she said her sweet facade disappearing, "I just came here to tell you to keep away from Hayden. He Is Mine!You got the messege nerd," 

She got up to walk away but before she could go any further than a few feet, I recovered from the shocked state I was in and said," Lauren, it's Mr Dallas to you," I winked at her. She walked away angrily. I couldn't help but smile. 

"What's wrong with that bitch?" Anna asked fuming. 

"Don't worry babe, she will soon realise exactly who Hayden belongs to," I replied still smiling. I could already imagine her face when she came to know that we were dating(fake).

Fortunately, the rest of the day was uneventful and soon enough the bell signaled the end of the day. Chatting with Anna, we started walking to her car when I noticed someone standing by it. Curious, I picked up my pace. It was Hayden. What was he doing by Anna's car? Didn't he come in his own car? 

Confused, I reached him and started,"Hayden, what are you doing here? Didn't you..." before I could complete my sentence, he pulled me in his arms and kissed me.

Yah he freaking kissed me. At first I was in shock but a few seconds later, it was as if my body had a mind of its own and I started to respond to the kiss. His lips were as soft as the petals of a rose as it molded perfectly against mine. Gently, he snaked his arms around my waist and our bodies became one. It was as if in that moment everything had dissipated, as if nothing mattered, as if we were one...How long the kiss lasted, I have no idea. I knew he could feel it too as I put my arms around his neck. 

"" Anna's voice broke the trance and we pulled apart. From the look on Hayden's face I could tell that he was just as shocked. It took me seconds to recover and when I did well let's just I got pissed off. How could he just kiss me like that?

"Why did you kiss me Hayden, Jake is not here to see," I hissed.

Instead of replying me, he gently turned me around and snaked his arms around my waist. Why did he just do that? Then I saw it. Lauren and her followers were looking at us gasping like fish out of water. I smiled and waved. Ya I was that cruel.

"See the reason darling," he said before kissing my cheek softly. 

"Yes I do," I replied with a smile so big my mouth hurt. 

"Ok lovebirds, let's go home. I don't know about you guys but i'm seriously hungry," Anna said getting in the car.

"About that aren't you supposed to go back to YOUR home?" Hayden questioned, his eyebrow raised. 

"Nope," she said popping the 'p' ," i'm staying at Mia's,"

"You are?" We both asked at her at the same time. 

"Yes I AM!" she shouted and drove away before we could respond.

"I guess it's just you and me now, let's go," Hayden said guiding me to his car. He had a sleek Lamborghini. It was the most beautiful car I had ever seen with its indigo body. Once inside, I put on my seat belt and relaxed. The ride back home was silent. Not a comfortable one though, we could both feel the tension in the air. I suppose it was because of the kiss that we shared earlier.

I just hope that things are not going to get weird between us. I don't want to lose him... 

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