My cousin is my fake BOYFRIEND: chapter 12

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Mia's POV

How I managed to run down the stairs without falling was beyond me, I could barely see where I was going. My eyes were filled with tears.

"Hey honey, where you going?" I heard Anna say somewhere close. I did not want to worry her but I couldn't face her right now. I needed out.

"Out..." I said faking a cheery voice. Without looking at her I opened the door and rushed to my car. Thank goodness I had I my key. Closing the car door as quickly as I could, I started up the engine and drove off. I had no particular destination in mind.

Twenty minutes later, I found myself in my favourite place, the forest. Since I found out this quiet spot in the forest 2 years ago, it has been the one place I would go to to think and be by myself. I guess we all need to be by ourselves once in a while. This place had become my sanctuary, and no one knew about it, not even Anna.

Sitting on a flat rock in the meadow I felt my tears finally coming out. How long I sat there crying I had no idea.

My emotions were all over the place. I was so confused. Why did we do that? The question kept running around in my head as I laid down on the cold grass gazing at the sky. I had no answer to my question. Gazing at the spotless blue sky, I couldn't help but think how perfect it was. I felt as if my own sky was filled with dark clouds as I remembered his words.

"Listen Mia, am really sorry about what happened. It's not going to happen again...Am so sorry.It was a mistake,"

His words made my heart clench in pain everytime I thought about them. A mistake, just a mistake. That's all it was to him. But then why did he kiss me like that? Why did he give me a freaking love bite? Why? I felt so confused. Drops of tears were flowing freely on my cheeks but I didn't even notice them. I was just too confused and tired. All this thinking was tiring me out. When I fell asleep, I will never know.

Waking up for the second time today, I felt confused as I opened my eyes( lots of confusion, pfttt ). My bed felt wet and cold. Fully awake now, I looked around taking in my surroundings. Suddenly things seemed to be coming back to me. Hayden, waking up, the make out session, the mistake....

Time to face reality, I thought as I marched back to my car. It was already lunch time by now. I had about 20 misscalls on my phone, all from Anna( Hayden did not even bother calling me once to know where I was, it stung) and about as much text messages asking me where the hell I was. I had lot of explaining to do....

The journey back home was longer since I dreaded seeing Hayden again. Unfortunately though, 30 minutes later I found myself opening the front door of my house.

"Where the hell have you been? You know how worried I was? What if you had been kidnapped?" Anna started shouting as soon as I entered.

I knew she was going to be angry, couldn't blame her now could I. Sighing I gave her a pleading look.

Understanding the situation, she stopped her rambling and we walked to the kitchen.

Sitting there at the counter Hayden was eating his lunch without a care in the world. How could he be such a douche, I had been gone for so long and he wasn't even worried about me?

If he didn't give a damn about me, then I was so going to not give a damn about him too. After fetching my lunch( which Anna made, god bless her ) I plopped down on the chair farthest from him.

"This is so awkward..." Anna started breaking the silence.

I just ignored her and continued eating my food. I know I shouldn't be taking my anger out on her but I was so pissed off.

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