My cousin is my fake BOYFRIEND: chapter 6

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Hayden's POV
Do you know how it feel when you do something on the spur of the moment? One little thing that shocks you to your very core. One little thing that you cannot explain. Well I know cause I did it. I kissed Mia. I don't even know why I did it, I just did. When I saw her pouty lips when she talked, I guess I couldn't control myself. If you asked me what she was talking about I would have to say I don't know. At that moment all I could see, think of and want was her juicy lips.

If the trio hadn't come out when did, I don't know what I would have said to Mia, 'Hey Mia, so I just felt like kissing you suddenly so I did,' I don't think that would have worked.

The way she became angry said it all, she didn't like me kissing her like that. Why would she anyway, i'm just her COUSIN, the one guy she thinks of as a brother. So why would she... To say that it hurt me would be an understatement. I felt my heart shattered to pieces at her anger.

As we rode home, there was quite a lot of tension in the car but I did not care, all I could think of was that one kiss.

I just hope that things do not become awkward between the two of us because I don't want to lose her. Damn it.

When we got home, Anna's car was already parked in the front. I drove to the garage and parked the car. Mia just got out of the car without a single word to me. How amazing! Sarcasm.

I knew that I needed to clear the air between us but now didn't seem like the right time. 

"Come see quick!" Anna's excited voice interrupted my thoughts.

Both of us followed her excited voice. Anna was crouched down in the garden looking at something. We couldn't see a thing though as she had her back towards us. Curious, I walked to her. There in front of her was the cutest little creature I had ever seen. It was a little kitten as white as snow. It looked just like a little ball of fur. Gently I scooped it up in my arms. Scared it hissed at me but when it realised that I wasn't going to hurt him, he relaxed in my arm.

"How cute..." Squeeked Mia. I knew she had a thing for cats.

"She looks starved, let's go feed her," I said heading inside. Both girls followed eagerly. All the earlier tension seemed to have been forgotten for the moment. I walked in the kitchen with the little ball of fur in my arms. It had fallen asleep out of exhaustion.

"I'll go to the supermarket to buy a feeding bottle and some cat milk," whispered Anna. I smiled at her, she was so innocent.

"I'll go with you," Mia said and both girls headed for the supermarket. I was left alone with the little one.

Mia's POV

Thankfully things are not so awkward between Hayden and I but I know that we will have to talk about the kiss. For now though we need to save this cute little kitten.

"We got everything?" I asked Anna.

"Yup," she replied popping the 'p'

We headed towards the cashier and paid for our stuffs before heading back home. I did not want to see him pfftt.
Certainly did not want that conversation to take place. I think that you can guess why. It would be so awkward.

"So how was the kiss?" Anna suddenly asked as if reading my mind. Awkward! I did not want to answer that. Damn it Hayden was my cousin.

"I bet you wished it was you," I said instead of answering her question.

"Don't try evading young lady, now tell me everything. I want all the juicy details," she replied.

Damn her for knowing me so well. Since childhood Anna could always tell when I was trying to evade any subject and let's just say that once she caught me(all the time :3) she would pester me till she got what she wanted.

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