My cousin is my fake BOYFRIEND: chapter 15

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Mia's POV
"This is unbelievable. Miss Blake, please tell me you are kidding right now?" I asked exasperated.

This was so not happening right now.

"For the second time Mia, I am not joking. Why would I joke about something this serious?" She replied running her hands through her hair.

The heat in the bus was suffocating and Miss Blake's words only turned the temperature up a notch.

So it was true. We were stuck in the middle of nowhere...
Could this be the end? Surely not. Think positive Mia, I scolded myself.

I was innocently sleeping against Hayden's shoulder when I was jolted awake.

The first thing I heard as I opened my eyes was this creaking sound that cars usually make when they experience a break down.

Did the bus break down? I must be imagining things, the little voice in my head reasoned. Imagine if the bus really broke down and we were in the middle of nowhere, how scary would that be.

If the bus did not break down, then what was this horrible sound?

Curious, I nudged Hayden and asked him about the noise.

"I am as clueless as you Mia. The bus just stopped. Maybe I should go check it out," he said getting up and making his way to the front of the bus where Miss Blake was busy talking to the bus driver.

After what felt like ages, the pair of them walked back to us. From the expression on their faces, I could already tell that things were not good.

"Listen guys, the bus had a little breakdown. We will not be able to go to the Nature Park," Miss Blake started.

Was I some sort of witch or what? How could I have predicted all this shit?

*End of flashback*
"Listen guys, I know this is not what you bargained for but the bus had a little breakdown. We can either sit here, do nothing and sleep the night in the bus or we could look around before sunset to see if we can find shelter. Now who would like to help me look for a place to spend the night?" Miss Blake said in a commanding voice.

She finally had the situation under control.

Since no one was volunteering, I finally decided to volunteer Hayden and I. We could not just let her walk around alone in the middle of no where. That would be plain cruel and stupid. Anything could happen to her( I shuddered ) 

"Miss Blake, Hayden and I would like to go with you," I said raising my hand and Miss Blake looked at me gratefully.

Hayden did not seem to object to the idea and got up to follow me to Miss Blake's side. Just as we got there, the 'cutest' pair ever aka Jake and Lauren got up from their seats to join us.

Lauren had volunteered the two of them( bet she just wanted to spend some time with Hayden). Thought they were not on speaking terms after the soup incident but here they were holding hands all over again.

What did I do to deserve their company? I asked myself. I had absolutely no idea. This was promising to be an enjoyable trip( note the sarcasm ). Well what I did not know as I exited that bus with the pair was that this trip really was going to be enjoyable. You will just have to wait and see.

For what seemed like hours we walked around aimlessly looking for shelter. By now Lauren had completely forgotten about the two boys. She was too busy trying not to step in a puddle and damage her shoes.

"How much longer do we have to walk Miss Blake. My shoes are going to be ruined," she whined( you can guess who I am talking about ) for what seemed like a hundredth time.

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