My cousin is my fake BOYFRIEND: chapter 10

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Mia's POV
About 2 weeks have already gone by since Hayden and I started fake dating. Sometimes when I lay in bed and sleep evades me, my mind can't help but wander. Since that first kiss we shared, it seems like things have changed forever and I feel confused. What would we do when this is all over? Will we be able to go back to just being cousins? Sometimes it feels as if we're really dating. Damn it's tiring to hide these feelings when am dating him. He was so perfect, my dreamboy but he was also my cousin... Life could be so cruel sometimes...(sigh)

Now here I was bored as hell, on a Friday night and Anna being Anna was eating all my nutella. How unfair right? Yes she did not go home, decided to extend her stay.

The horrible sound resounded. What could it be, I thought. Curious and stupid me did not even bother taking any precautions (hey it could be a killer for all I knew) went to investigate.

Hayden was panting heavily at the door and at his feet, a few bags were scattered.

I raised an eyebrow questioningly at him.

"Don't ask, I went shopping. Anna eats like 2 guys," he pouted.

"I heard that!" Anna shouted from the living room. We were watching a movie( i was mostly day dreaming :p ) when Hayden decided to make a great entrance.

"Here, let me help," I grabbed 2 bags while Hayden grabbed the remaining two and we headed towards the kitchen.

"So, why are you guys home on a Friday night?" Hayden asked raising an eyebrow.

"I don't know...Guess there's no other place to be," I shrugged my shoulder as we reached the kitchen.

"Well, when I was at the store, I met a friend and he told me that there was going to be this party tonight at his place. We could all go, if you guys have nothing better to do," he suggested.

We finished unloading everything within minutes. Guess who was going to party? Yes, that's right it's me.

"What are we going to ware?" Anna said in a panicked voice. Girls and their clothing problems. I know.

After nearly half an hour, I finally settled for a black dress that reached mid-thigh, my black high heeled boots and my midnight blue jacket. Anna settled for a pair of jeans that were ripped at the knees, a pair of combat boots, and a white tanktop with weird designs on it,don't ask, I don't know.

The clock read 9 pm when we left the house. We all rushed in the car and before Anna could say anything( the girl is a chatterbox) Hayden had started the car. I turned on the radio and the ride was spent with us singing at the top of our lungs.

When I heard the loud music piercing the calm night air, I knew we had reached our destination. Thank goodness the guy who was hosting this thing lived in a remote area else am sure the cops would have already been here.

As we got closer, more and more car were seen parked along the street. Finding a parking spot was going to be hard. Pff I sighed. Fate was with us and Hayden found a parking spot fairly quickly. I could feel my heart beating with the music booming from inside.

Jumping out of the car, I grabbed Anna's hand and we rushed to the house, leaving poor Hayden behind.

We went in without knocking since the door was ajar. Guess the guy knew no one was going to hear a knock over the noise.

"Welcome ladies, want a drink?" A guy asked us handing us two red cups. He was probably the guy hosting the party.

Soon enough Hayden joined us and the two guys did their manly handshake.

"Let's go dance!" Shouted Anna over the music. Laughing, we both made our way to the centre of the dance floor and started dancing like the crazzy chicks we were. I gulped the content of my cup(whatever it was) and threw the cup somewhere.

Then my laughter died. There, was Hayden dancing with some chick. Heck she was grinding her ass against him. Slut. I pushed my way towards the bar, the pain I felt in my chest was unbearable. Was I jealous? Heck yes. I needed a drink, I thought as I reached the bar.

A young fellow,probably in his mid twenties asked me for my order.

Angry and hurt, i ordered for at least 5 shots of vodka.

"Better be careful with that sweetheart,"he said in a concerned voice but I couldn't care less as I downed the 3rd shot. The bartender looked at me funny before moving on to take other people's orders. The alcohol burnt its way down my throat but it felt so good. I was quite the lightweight and I could feel my mind becoming fuzzy. Good, I thought. It was easier to ignore them.

When all the shots were resting comfortingly in my stomach, I got up and made my way to the dancefloor. My wobbly feet made walking difficult.

"Wanna dance babe," an annoying voice echoed in my ear.

"Sure!" i shouted back grabbing the guy with the annoying voice. Take that Hayden. Mia doesn't need you.

Feeling his sweaty body grinding against me was horrible but I couldn't care less. I was pissed off and drunk. Suddenly I felt my body giving up on me. I was weightless and I was falling. I don't know how long I fell or what happened after that, I blacked out...


Author's note:

Hey guys am really sorry for the late update, had a lot going on in my life. Hope you guys can fogive me and I know this chapter is quite short so sorry again...

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