My cousin is my fake BOYFRIEND: chapter 17

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Mia's POV

I was alone...

That was my first thought as I scanned the room for any signs of Hayden. Nothing.

Maybe this time around too he dismissed everything that happened as a mistake. I had no idea what I was supposed to feel. Anger or sadness?

It was bound to happen though, wasn't it? After all to him I was but only his little cousin. Why the hell did we have to be related. Arg.

Dark thoughts were still clouding my mind when a shirtless Hayden made his way in the room.

*Huhumm huhumm*

He only had a towel covering his naked glory. I couldn't help but stare at the beauty in front of my eyes. Give me a break guys I am a hormonal teenager.

"Done checking me out Mia?" He asked running his right hand in his hair( which only ended up giving me a better view of his sexy biceps )

"No. Wait, just let me get my mobile. I think a picture would last longer. Don't move," I commanded and started pretending to be looking for the device.

And Hayden flew to his walk in wardrobe like Usain Bolt.

I was going to laugh at him but just then there was a knock on the door.

Holly shit, this was probably Miss Blake. Quick hide.

Following my own order, I jumped out of bed and crawled under the bed. If she found me in Hayden's bed, I was as good as dead meat.

Hidden I listened to the conversation going on between the two.

"Hey Hayden, the bus will be fixed by tomorrow, till then, Mrs Mary has offered us shelter. Isn't she the sweetest?"

"I guess so. You should let the students know about the situation," I heard Hayden say in a serious voice. Damn it was hot in here.

"I probably should. See you around Hayden....And Mia you can get out from your hiding spot, I already know you're here," with those words she made her way out.

How did she know? Did she have some physic powers or what? Crawling out from under the bed, I made the walk of shame to an amused Hayden. Scratch that to a Hayden who was laughing at my misery.

"Stop laughing you nincompoop," I said angrily crossing my arms.

"Ok...ok," and he still did not stop.

Taking a deep breath I tried to calm myself before I lost control and go for his throat( straight for the kill )

When Mr Hayden finally decided to stop laughing, we both made our way downstairs. All the way down, my mind kept wondering about who that girl was. Better yet what was she doing here?

I guess I would just have to ask Mrs Mary. With this new task in hand, I left Hayden at the dinner table while I made my way to the kitchen, hopefull that I would find her there.

"Hey Mrs Mary, last night.."

"What about it dear?" she asked stiring her tea.

"Well I heard someone singing in the attics and I went to see what it was. And what I saw was...humm...a girl. I think she was a ghost. Why is she here ma'am?" I asked cautiously. 

 Laughing uneasily, she finished stiring her tea and started,"You see child, long ago, I gave birth to a baby girl. When she reacher fifteen though, she was sitting on the roof when the tiles gave way and she pummeled to her death. Since that sad day, she has been roaming around the house, her soul restless."

"I'm sorry Mrs Mary, I had no idea. It's just that she tried to hurt me," I explained. 

"She would never hurt a soul. She just wanted to scare you away maybe. You see we haven't had visitors in a while. Don't worry your pretty head about this story, go get some breakfast," she said shooing me out of the kitchen. 

Hearing her story, I was pretty relieved to know that it was not an evil soul. I was really sad for Mrs Mary though. It must have been hard for her to lose her daughter. 

It also made me realise something. Death knows no mercy and waits for no one to be ready. 

Somehow, some way, I had to confess my feelings to him. I had to tell Hayden I loved him. What if tomorrow never comes?

With these thoughts in head, I made my way to the dinning room. I had to tell him before I chickened out. 

"Hey Anna have you seen Hayden?"

"Oh that nincompoop, I think he left with Miss Blake. They said something about going to see the mechanic. Did you have to say someting important to him?" 

To be honest, I was pretty dissapointed to learn he had left. Just when I had gathered the courage. Damn but I will catch him somehow unlike tom who never catches Jerry o.O 

"Something like that. Do you have any idea when they are going to be back?" I asked. 

Unfortunately for me, I didn't get to talk to him once. He was either helping the mechanic or chatting with Miss Blake. And of course Lauren ever the sweetheart had to comment on it saying that Hayden had a thing for her. What if she was right? 

Screw this I am going to tell him anyway. Tonight I am going to confess my feelings even if I have to scare the living daylights off him by hiding in his room...


Author's note:

I know the chapter is short and most probably sucks. It's just that I've been busy this past week. 

I am going to South Africa in a few days and been busy preparing for my departure. I don't know if I will be able to give you guys quick updates so sorry for that :(

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