My mind wanders: Etho

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  • Dedicated to Anyone who I yelled Setho at too many times! Luv you guys!

A new member has been revealed. I want to welcome him nicely since he joined exactly two years after me.

Note: I know the dates aren't perfect. Work with me here!

So, I set up a tour to meet this new addition and to show him around. His name is SethBling, but goes by Seth. As soon as I wondered why I was stuck with the tour, Seth showed up at spawn, breaking my train of thought.

"Hey" the unfamiliar voice called.

"Hello, I am Etho, nice to meet you. I guess I got stuck with tour duty again but you seem nice enough!" I tried to sound cheerful and welcoming to the newcomer.

He nodded his head and I took him all around spawn. It took too long and it was already getting dark.

"You can crash at my place for now Seth until you get a base." I said. This was all for the video. This man was about to become my rival.

During the tour he talked about his love of Redstone. Redstone was my thing. Him saying that he was the Redstone expert made my guts twist in hatred. This was going to be a long season.

After we both finished recording and logged off I told Seth that he was not going to take over my place as the residing Redstone expert.

"Etho, instead of fighting with our shared interest we should be working together to create bigger, better things. I don't like petty arguments." Seth seemed honest enough. Maybe I'd warm up to him eventually.

"Alright Seth, we can try. No promises. Bye!" I said before closing Skype.

Hehhehheh. Little does Etho know that they will warm up ;)

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