Thinking you'd miss it.

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I left school last year. But now after my long break I have to attend a college. I'm going to study Dance and Drama. But being immortal is hard. Especially when there are so many good looking arteries walking around in the open (very open place). I enroll at my college this morning at eight. Even though I am vampire I still love sleep. Being a vampire has increased my performance and confidence skills also my reflexes in my dance movements.

After I left highschool I thought I would miss it. Hell; aren't I wrong. I push the double doors leading to my new hell for two years or more.

Alex is gone. No not gone, gone. But left for a short while.  I miss  him and he only left last night.  He left me his jacket I would much rather him not leave. I can remember when I first met Alex at the hospital when I got turned into a vampire. Even though he turned me into a vampire I wonder what my life would be like if I hadnt then again would I be alive to have found out. So that night I slept with the jacket just for a keepsake.

I can't belive how far I've come. From being a sad lonely weak girl. To a strong powerful vibrant girl. Yeah I just complimented myself deal with it. I wanted to make sure I was on time and looking at the college I'm the first one their. I walk around trying to find the administration office is until I fell into a hard wall. But I look up to see eyes; Big blue sapphire eyes looking down at me,I gulp and take a step back.

" I'msosorryiwasntlookingwereiwasgoing."I said possible unidentifiable.

" Aha I'm sorry what did you say." He said wow his smile is just wow. Nothing else to be said.

" I said I'm sorry I wasnt looking were I was going. Sorry."

" Yeah you said sorry twice "

" Sorry."

" You did it again." Shit.

" Sor ....  I mean okay I didnt mean to walk into you I was going to the administration office.

" Well it's down the hall three doors down on your left.". He said. I don't know his name.

" oh thank you. Bye."

" welcome I didn't catch your name......"

My name.urm fuck sake whats my name.

" My name is  Emily, and yours? "

" I would tell you but now you have a reason to talk to me again. I'll be seeing you later Emmmiillyyy. " okay well that wasnt weird at all."

My first day of college went well. All I have to do now is call Alex.

" Hello who is speaking." The fuck I just rang Alex for a fucking woman to answer.

" This is Emily urmm Alex's urm friend. " okay we never made it official what we were.

" Arrrr Emily urm well Alex is dead. Temporarily but he's dead." No no he can't be and what does she mean by temporarily dead.

".What do you mean temporarily dead. "

" I mean he got staked in the heart but the stake didnt go in the whole way. "

" When will he wake up."  Panic sucked me in a I took in a deep breath.

" We dont know. There's so much blood it could take an hour or a day or even a week. But we dont know when he'll wake.

Tears spilled out of my eyelids running swiftly down may cheeks as I tried to swat them away.

" Okayyy can you urm call me urm back if anything happens please.

"  sure sweetie just go to sleep on his winter coat. "

" How how did you know I had it?"

" I know everything bye."

She hung up before I got the chance to say goodbye. But all I want now is to be with Alex. I want, I need him so much. I grab his coat and wrap myself within the warmthness.

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