Save me please!!!

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July twentieth I got rushed to hospital for one reason only,  I tried to kill myself.   I sufer from depression and I had enough so I tried killing myself, but it failed.  And now I'm in Lincoln City central hospital, under curvier care. A man I've never seen before inserted a red liquid what looked like blood into my left arm.  But it couldn't have been blood, because it would be in a bag not a needle syringe.

Darkness took over,  I can't see.  Help.  Anybody help me please. I gave up and drifted into a deep deserted sleep.

When I finally awoke I checked my phone on the table beside me.  I've been out for five hours according to my iphone 4s.  I would update my phone but I just can't be arsed.

The man I saw before I fell into my sleep appeared in my hospital room.

"  Hello Emily, you feeling any better."  I did actually like nothing was ever wrong.  So weird yesterday I was trying to commit suicide and today I feel reborn.

" I do actually alot better. Why did I recover quick or something? " I asked suspiciously.

" Yes you did matter of fact." He answered my question but not the way I hoped. 

"  How did I recover so quick though." This is the question I want and need answering.

"  Urm Emily your organs were failing you were giving up.  I had to do something you are so young,  you have a whole life full of regrets and happiness.  I couldn't let you die.  I did something too you." Oh my gosh what has he done ?

" What did you do? " I growled.

"  I gave you some of my blood,  you kept whispering Save me, help me.  So I did."

That's not true when did I say that and he still hasn't told me what he did.

"  What does that mean,  your blood is blood what's the big deal? " I still don't understand this situation.

" Emily I'm a vamipre,  so when your body was shutting down I gave you my blood.  But you died.  And now your a vampire.   You wasn't supposed to die, my blood is meant to heal you."  I think I'm going to be sick.   Did he just say that I'm a vampite because not so sure.

" Vampire, but there not real.  The fairy tales and nightmares.  I can't be one of them, it's impossible. " I said.

" They are real Emily,  your one of them." Nope, no.  No.  I'm not I screamed in my head.

"  But why did you save me, I could have just died." I shouted at him.  He had a strange mix of features.  His hair is dark brown almost black.  His eyes are bright blue, he has a long thin nose. And dull skin tone.  He has a icy look permanently marked on his face.

" I saved you because I saw potential in you to be come something great." What did he mean bye that? ' I saw potential'.

When I turned back to meet his burning gaze, I saw a flicker of light then he was gone.  Vanished. How could he do that.

He's just left me here,  I'm a vampire.   What do vampire do,  can we walk in the sun light? will I sparkle like Edward Cullen of twatlight (twilight)?  What blood do I drink? Do I drink blood?  there's so many questions I want answering, and I so little time.

The mysterious man needs to come back. How do I live without the knowledge I need.  Mr. Mysterious is early twenties,  strange because he must have gone to university really early. Bizarre.

I waited till dark just in case, the story books and the movies were true. Mum was at home she had to go back to get some clothes, but when she left I woke up so now I'm stranded here alone.  I started walking down the narrow side walk, making my way down town to the bus station.   I only had to wait five minutes to catch the bus, which is pretty lucky.  Sitting on the bus and my only company was a old man talking to his cat. Creepy.

My street appeared and I stumbled of the battered looking bus.  My house came into view.  I stepped onto my brick porch,  I hesitated before I grabbed the door handle and made my way inside, the door bells chimed,  which led to my mum running around the corner of the kitchen room door to stand dead in front of me, with a confused expression plastered  on her angelic face. My mum is a gorgeous women small figured and her dark blonde hair resting just above her shoulders.   Her high cheek bones looked perfect, next to her alluring blue eyes, and rose bud lips.  I'm nothing compared to her. 

" Emily what are you doing here?" Mum asked with the same confused look.

" They discharged me." I smiled trying to confort her, but I don't think it's working.

" But you, you were sick, nearly dying.  Hows it possible." She smart my mum but I can get round her easily enough.

"  My immune system is really good.  It's all them veggies you fed me."  This may work.  Or it could epically fail and I'll be totally screwed.

"  Oh okay then,  I'm so glad your home I was so worried,  I thought it was my fault that you were like the way you are/were." I never knew she felt like that. I just assumed it was all my doing.  How could I let that happen.

" Yeh me too, mum it was never your fault. " She nodded in response.  I'll try to make her feel better.

" Okay then sweety come have something to eat, I bet your starving".  I gulped down a nervousness buliding up inside me.  Her heartbeat is steady, she tilted her neck ever so carefully to the left hand side, I have the temptation to rip out her jugular.   No Emily  she's your mother, you love her. Don't let this monster inside of you take over.  Contain yourself.

I managed dinner without killing anybody.  Then again I wouldn't know how to kill someone,  I don't even know how to kill a fly.  I showered and got into my purple and pink pyjama shorty and vest top, it is summer. I walked back into my medium sized bedroom and I'm quite startled to say the least,  he is here.  Mr.  Mysterious.  That's his new name actually I don't know his name in the first place.

" You almost gave me a heart attack,  what are you doing here.? " My heart sped up, I didn't know how that worked if I still had a heart.  Well I guess I would because you don't turn and your heart doesn't mysteriously dissolve.

" Ive come to tell you training starts tomorrow,  you better get some rest. Be in High melton woods six am sharp no later no earlier. And here wear this it protect you from the sun. "He handed me a silver necklace with a small green gem in the middle,  What does he mean training starts tomorrow.

" What training for what, what am I training for." He never answered my question,  because he disappeared of my balcony.   I ran to the balcony railings as I expected he wasn't anywhere in sight.


Training starts tomorrow get ready.

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