No No No, Yes Yes Yes!

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Alex's pov.

She best be up, because I seriously don't want to go into her house again. The feeling I got when I thought her Mom was coming up the stairs, the amount of questions she would have asked.

I got out my phone my phone and texted Emily,

Five minuets went bye and no reply.

Ten minuets still nothing

Fifteen. I can't wait any longer. I walked up to Emily's house and spotted one of her windows is slightly open, just enough for me to edge it open and slide in. So that's exactly what I did.

" Emily, wake up." I gently shook her. When I first walked into her room I didn't notice anything but her face. And when I look around I saw that Emily's quilt is on the cream carpeted flooring. Emily's body twisted into what looks like an uncomfortable position, Her pyjama top is raised to the top of her rib cage, must of happened when the quilt fell of. I shook her once again, she stirred then.

" What are you doing here?" She questioned.

" I'm here for training and your late, so come on get your arse out of bed." I replied in a rude manner.

" Fine I'll get up." She got up and waked over to her closet and picked up some black shorts, and a black polo V-neck. She pulled down her pyjama bottoms and pulled her pyjama top over her head, she moved her head as she was about to look up so I looked away.

" Urm Emily, I think you should stop before you get any more undressed." I said then regretted, I don't think she was entirely awake when she stripped her clothes of but now she is.

" ARGGHHHHHHHHH" She screamed. I tried to shhh her but another voice interrupted me.

" Emily what's happening, I'm coming in ." I quickly looked at Emily for what to do, she pointed to the closet door opened it and ushered me in,  I'm not enjoying this. I was enjoying it and then I ruined it by speaking, well done Alex, well done!

Emily pulled on her robe and went to the door.

" Yes Mom." She asked.

" What happened?" Her mom asked.

" Oh nothing, I just fell out of bed and landed on the floor." Emily lied.

" Well okay then, are you okay." Her mom sounded convinced.

" Yeah I'm fine, see you later." Emily tried shoving her mom out the door, I could just see from the sight crack in the closet door.

" Okay bye then." Her mom left." Emily sighed in relief, and I was just about to get out the closet, then the door swung open revelling her mom again.

" Oh sweetie I forgot to mention that I 'm going to he grocery store, do you need anything.?" Her mom asked.

" No I'm fine thanks mom."

" You sure, when was your last period, do you need tampons?" Her mom asked whilst Emily's face went bright red.

" Oh hunny when are you getting embarrassed, it's only us two girls here." 

" Yeah I  know mom, and no I don't need urm tampons." Emily said

" Are you sure because your a bit late aren't you, oh my gosh your not pregnant are you." I had to bit my lip from laughing.

" No mom I am not pregnant now leave me alone." Emily said whilst turning around and sitting down on her bed.

" Okay then bye." Her mom left and closed the door behind her.

Emily put her head on the pillow and silently screamed into it.

" Well that was amusing." I said as I got out of her closet.

" Shut up."  I think she said, I couldn't quite hear her thorough all the pillow.

" Aw do you need a tissue or a pad" I teased.

" Oh my gosh shut up that wasn't funny." She smiled, aw she looks cute when she smiles. What No no no,  yes yes yes. Shut up conscience.

" Aw come here you big baby" I said moving towards her with my arms open. She sat up an welcomed my hug. She smelled so good.

" You feeling any better." I asked Emily kindly.

" Yeah now that you gave me a hug." Aw cute, wait what did she just say.

" What was that." She looked up at me, she has crimson red cheeks.

" Uhh.....uhh.. Nothing aha why." I totally heard her.

She looked at the ground, but I tilted her head back towards me.

" I heard you."

" But....." I cut her of as I placed my lips on hers. I think she was shocked but then started to kiss back. Her mom interrupted us. " Emily I'm leaving now, look after the house. Because dads golfing and you brother is a football practice. Bye.

We both smiled, and kissed again. I flipped her over so I was now on top. We kissed for five minuets. I don't know about her but I'm glad I kissed her, I think I've liked her from the day I met her, well that's why I saved her life, I was visiting my sister, because she's really ill. But when I saw Emily I knew then and there I had to save her, I've never heard her voice I've never seen her but something sparked within me, a connection was made.

" Well that was urm....Something  special." Emily said.

" Yeah it was, I need to ask you something." I said.

" Go on." She looked nervous.

" Did you feel the spark?" We both just looked at each other, until she smiled and nodded her head.

" Yeah, I've felt it since the day we met, but I was too scared to say anything. You can came off as broody and egotistical." She said.

"  AHA okay I did a bit, but you came across as bitchy and annoying when you opened your mouth to shout at me.

She opened her mouth to speak but I stole her breath away as I kissed her again.

" I don't think we really need to train today." I suggested.

 She nodded her head in agreement.

An hour later we heard her brother come in. I don't know why but we both hid in her closet. Cameron walked in.

" Where is it?" Cameron asked him self, but what is he looking for. I shared the same confused look with Emily.

Cameron looked in her draws, under her bed. In her bed. What is he looking for. Emily got out her phone, I looked at what she was doing she's texting Cameron.

' Get out of my room now!' is what she texted him.

His phone buzzed, he looked worried as he checked what it said.  But he put it back in his pocket and continued to search. Emily tapped me telling me to stay put. As she got out the closet without a sound. She walked slowly up to him.

" You'll never find it." I think Cameron just shit himself.

 " Emily what are you doing here?" Really.

" Urm well for starters it's my room, two I live here, three what the fuck are you doing here.?" What a potty mouth.

" I know what you are Emily." She just looked at him in bewilderment.

" Then what am I, apart from a hormonal teenage girl that is seconds away from punching you." This is a whole new side to her.

" Your  a vampire." What Emily did mind control on him it's impossible for him to escape from compulsion. How did this happen.


Short chapter sorry but I wanted to squeeze another one in before the new year.

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