The dinner party. part 1

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It's the day of Jack Adams family dinner. I say dinner but I really mean ball. There's food, dancing....ballroom dancing and music. Only the best of the best go to this event.

I have know idea what to wear, I don't even know how to dress for these things.

I tried on an orange dress I've had for a year but I never wore it, now I know why. It's hideous. My brother walked in to my room.

" I know you're hiding something from me!" He said as he sat on my bed.

" And what do you suppose I'm hiding? " I questioned.

" I'm not certain. But I heard you and that Alex guy whispering about me and how you need to make a decision."

"  Well maybe little boys like you shouldn't ear wigg on conversations. " I snapped at him, how dare he accuse me of hiding something from him. I am hiding something from him but he doesn't need to know that does he.

" I'm not a little boy anymore." Cameron furiously said.

" You know what, you have no right to be in here just get out. " I yelled. He can find out he's a witch, wizard. warlock whatever the fuck he is another time. The stupid arrogant twat.

He left me room like a little baby bitch, sulking because he didn't get his own way.

A soft knock sounded throughmy wooden door. Before I could open the door to scream at Cameron, I smelt lavender, my mothers signature smell. I calmed myslef down.

" Yes mum? "

" I was wondering if you'd like to wear this dress for tonight? it's new I got it for me originally but I think it would be nicer on you. "

" Aw thank you mum, that's so nice. I love it." I hugged my mother tightly.

" Your welcome, and I love you too. " My mum left again leaving the box which I assume is the dress on my bed.

I carefully scooped the dress out of the box and setting the little black dress on the bed. Mum didn't get this for her. It's my size and she wouldn't be caught dead in something so short. Aw this makes it even more sweet.

I put my makeup steadily on my face I don't usually wear much but tonight I stepped it up a notch and applied light pink lipstick , sand tone foundation, mascara and brown eyeshadow for the smoky effect. I then straightened my hair to perfection. I hope the ball doesn't go badly , I need a good night out. I haven't really had one since before I was in hospital. The door bell Interrupted my thoughts. " Shit " I cursed loudly. I slipped on my dress and found a pair of suede black high heels.

I walked slowly down the stairs careful not to fall. I could feel eyes on my . I look up to met Jack Adams staring at my and looking me up and down.

" Oh my Emily you look stunning. " My mum gushed. What a sweetie.

I walked up to her and whispered. " Thank you the dress is lovely but you don't have to lie about it" I pulled back a kissed her lightly on the cheek.

" So lets go. " Jack Adams said rather loudly. I huffed at his rude comment he could have said you look nice an you look okay would have been fine bit no not for mister up his own arse twenty four seven.

" Yeah okay, bye mum have a nice night. " I snapped the first bit but the turned to my mum and spoke directly to her.

Jack opened my front door and gestured for me to get out. How rude can one person get. But I left and made my way to his car. I opened the car door myself, not that I was expecting anything else.

We arrived at his mansion house a short three minutes later thank God.

I got out elegantly of the car but Jack was already half way to his front door.

I walked in quite pissed might I add. The first thing I saw was the flash of a camra. The photographer was rather young around sixteen I guessed. Her long  brown hair covered her face. I think she went to my school or I went to her school since I left last year. She turned to me and took a picture I wasn't ready to have my picture taken but too late I guess. I walked uo to the photographer, she look a little frightened. " Hi don't I know you. " I asked politely.  " Yeah I'm Maryam."  " Oh my gosh Maryam it's been so long. Sorry I didn't recognise you the lighting is kind of dim. " I smiled at her. Me and Maryam used to be close friends, we met in art class. Even though she was the grade below she still helped me on my art project. But then I left and we forgot to keep in touch. " It's okay I didn't recognise you and I just took a photo of you. You still in to Drama. " She asked. And I lied to her. I've actually forgot what I wanted to do In life and I kind of left my old life behind.

" Yeah I still love it and everything. I see your still into photography. What about writing you still planning to become a famous author. " I said. She nodded and smiled widely at me.

" Yeah I planning to go to college first and then start the whole writing a book thing. "

" Oh that sounds good. we should go shooping or something like we used to do. "

Before she answered I felt a hard pull on my forearm.

" What are you doing , your supposed to be here with me." He shouted at me.

" Well sorry but you took off; so I did too if that's okay! " I said. I looked at Maryam and sent her an apologetic smile.

" lets just go. " He said defeated. I walked away.

The party seemed to go fine......until a very angry look boy burst through the large doors. Everybody turned and looked at the commotion that is my brother.

" Emily your a dead girl. " He shouted in rage his face is redded then a fire truck.

" He told me, you little bitch. Alex told what I am. " Everyone gasped at the burst of outrage coming from a small teenager.

" Calm down Cam I'll explain everything just lets go. " I tried to get him to the door.

" No you had time to tell. You've lost that chance. Your a monster and everyone should know it. Ladies and gentlemen men This thing here is not what she looks like... she is a. "

I couldn't let him finish.  So I ran put my hand over his mouth. " I'm so sorry ladies and gentlemen, he's on meds. He's not stable. " A lot of o's and ares sounded the room. Cameron ripped my hand of his mouth, his eyes went black. The curtains suddenly went up in flames. My dream. My dream is real. People started to run for the exit.

" Don't do this Cameron." He smirked at me and a explosion from the kitchen rumbled the room, and sent me flying across the room. This gave Cameron time to get out of the house. I tried to get up. But I couldn't seem to get up. A celling beam fell on me. My head is slightly dazed. I'm weak. Even for a vampire. I could feel the heat of the fire on my body. I was the only one left in the room. And I'm the only one going to die.


New chapter sorry for the wait.

New character Maryam. Really nice girl She's on wattpad ill put a link here later for her wattpad page.

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