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My brother is not a witch,  it's just a old book. I have to talk to Alex. Then again will he even speak to me. I was abit harsh with the way I treated Alex. I'm a girl , it's weird but I still have periods. I'm going to have to ask about that . Can we still in a females perspective get pregnant. I need Alex.

I walked into my bedroom, and just the person I wanted to see is standing right there in my room actually on my bed.

" I'm sorry. " Is the first thing I said.

" It's okay. " He replied.

I ran Into his arms balling my eyes out. He grabbed my shoulders and looked into my eyes.

" Hey what's up? "  He asked with concern.

" I found something that might explain Cameron. " He just looked at me , then it clicked and he remembered the conversation we had about why Cameron didn't respond to my compulsion.

" Yeah I think I know. " He said.

" Okay you go first. " He then said. I hste whe this happens.

"  No you go." I said.

" No you. "

" Nope not doing this." I said.

" Fine. " We said in unison.

" He's a witch." We said together.  After we realised we said it at the same time.

" Wait how did you know?" I questioned Alex.

" Becuase I knew your family back in the early nineteen hundreds,  I just had to concentrate to remember what happened." Oh gosh he knew my family , I wonder if they were as screwed as it is in the present day.

" Oh okay and what did you remember?" I asked not knowing if I want the answer.

" Well my and your great grandmother....this sounds wrong. Well we went out and urm she told me about yours/hers linatige. lets just say the relationship didn't last long after that.  A witch and a vampire can not have any kind of relationship. " Yep I regret asking.

" Ew gross you and my grandmother dated. if I didn't like you so much I think I might throw up on you. "

" Yeah we did. But when she told me I had to leave her immediately. " That makes it so much better, doesn't it.

" Okay why did you not like her another."

" Not as much as I like you." He didn't mean to say that out loud I guessed by the shock on his when he said it. I'm just stood there smiling like an idiot.

" Oh....urm that's" He cut me off with a kiss. And another kiss . we're supposed to be working on the whole my brother's a witch thing.

We some how made it onto my bed. Then my door opened wide and there stood my mother. Shit.

" Well Emily aren't you going to introduce your little guest to me ? "

" Urm yeah sure.  Mum this is Alex. Alex this is my mother. " Alex looked horrified.

"  Well Alex would you like to join us for dinner. " Mother asked him.

" No it's okay I should be going now. " He said polity.

" Nonsense your staying end of discussion. " She practically jumped his bones , she bear hugged him. Keep in mind that we were still on my bed.

She got uo and went for the door but not before turning around. " Oh and Emily,  be happy that it was me who came in and not your farther.  " She left then. That is true, my dad might have kicked Alex out the second he walked in.

" Well that was embrassing. "

" Yeah can I ask you something? " I asked.

" Yeah go ahead. " He said.

" How can you triger your witchness." What? I couldn't find another word to use.

" Well I think you need to get so mad your humanity triggers a switch inside of you. so then 'witchness'  as you put it happens."

" So all my brother needs to do is get angry "

I don't think I really want him to become a witch. But what if he does.

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