What are you!

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Emily's pov

I thought Alex told me that mind compulsion was unbreakable unless the vampire it's self un-did the compulsion.

" How did you break my mind compulsion Cameron. " I asked my brother.

" I don't know. " He answered back with curiosity in his voice.

" I don't think he's human. " For the first time since me and Cameron have been speaking Alex spoke up. Me and Cameron both looked at him in astonishment.

" What! " We both said in unison whilst looking at Alex.

" Yeah , that's the only explanation. " Alex  said

" Then what is he. " I said whilst snapping at Alex.

" I'm not sure Emily please don't shout at me, I am trying to help." He said soothingly.

"  I'm normal ! " Cameron snapped. I forgot that Cameron was even in the room, bizarre because me and Alex are both taking about him.

" Fine if you say so." Alex said.

" Just get out." I said loosing my patience completely. They both looked at me in bewilderment.

" Who? " they said in unison.

" Both of you I need time alone, so please leave." I said without looking Alex in the eyes I didn't care if I hurt Cameron's feelings, but I care about Alex's feelings. I really like Alex, and when we kissed I felt fireworks explode. But I'm not sure if he feels the same way. I ho0pe he does, I know he's a bit older.... Okay a lot older but so what I'm dead anyway may as well enjoy it. That is also something I can feel my heart, but I just can't feel it beat. I miss being human, my emotions are heightened, but my heart doesn't feel those emotions. My head tells me that i8 like Alex but my heart is just a piece or dead corpse withering away inside me.

They soon left, I could hear Alex loitering outside my door but after two or three minuets he finally left.

Dear diary.

I don't know what to do, Alex is saying Cameron is something supernatural, I don't want to believe it but what other choice is there, according no human can get their minds around compulsion, so why did Cameron......Unless he's not human.

I want to go looking for answers but I don't know where to start, I guess I could start in the loft ( Attic) mum tens to put all her shit in there, ( not literal) she may have a family time line. I can remember seeing one when I was eight  but I'm not certain, guess there's only one way I can find out. I shall return to you my dearest diary later after I have finished snooping.

End of diary entry*****

I slow opened the loft door not because of the cool effect, the reason is this house was built in the 1800's and most of the old doors squeak. Especially this one. I'll say it's dusty, because it really is and there are cob webs everywhere, and this is without turning the light on. I wafted my arms around hoping to get lucky and catch the light switch, the light dangles from the middle of the celling the problem is that I can't find the bloody middle of the loft.

Yes yes yes I've got it after seven long minuets of searching the loft for the light bulb. Boxes and boxes were pilled on top of each other this isn't going to be quick and easy is it.

30 Minuets later*

I found it mums family tree book, that I haven't seen I god knows how many years it's been. I flicked through the first few pages nothing but my mothers name, I was just about to give you on this ridiculous notion of what Cameron is, but then I stumbled upon something on the very page was a word that I've never come across before, the word is Lamia. I want t know what it means so I got out my phone, I could have just used my phone for a flashlight, I'm so stupid. Any way Lamia. I typed the odd word in to google and the only thing that came up for this word was that it originates from Latin so now I typed in ' what does Lamia mean in Latin. I found out what It means, and I am pretty sure I don't like what I'm reading.

Lamia is the Latin word for witch. No that can't be right Cameron can't be a witch can he?

******* sorry for the crappy chapter

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