Here's how it all started.

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August third 2010, three years when my life went up shit creak.

Emily pov

"  You okay grandma. "  I'm currently in the hospital visiting my very sick grandma.

" Yes Emily I'm doing good."  No she's not, she's straight up lying to me.

" Good I'm glad." I only asked her because it's reassuring me and her.

"  So katie it's you birthday tomorrow and your twenty right."  No I'm not katie and I'm turning fifteen not twenty.

" No grandma,  I'm Emily remember. " She's been forgetting her life for the past two years. It's sad to say but she's dying and there's nothing I can possibly do.

" Oh sorry dear,  you know how I get these days,  but it is your birthday tomorrow right. "  I miss the old grandma, the one who looked after me when I would be sick or the one who would watch Tom&Jerry and Scooby doo on saturday mornings.

" Yes grandma it is,  I'm turning fifteen.   Can you belive it."  I talk to her like she's a six year old because that the only way she can communicate with me.

" Gosh, your growing up too fast darling, it's prom soon I'll be able to help pick out your dress, something old and blue."  I would like thst very much, but it scares me she's probably not going to live that long and I think she's thinking of marriage anyway.

" Yes of course grandma, I got that thing you asked for."  I went to her house this morning and picked up her request,  and left the slightly dusted house. She hasn't been home in four months and I can't find the time fr going to school and visiting her to clean it, maybe I'll do it soon.

" Good could you set it aside on there please." Grandma asked whilst struggling to hold up her boney wrinkled index finger.

" Okay gran,  just here. "  I said whilst trying to find the perfect place to set her prised persession.

"  Yes dear, doesn't Cameron look so much like your grandad."  Yes he did,  my full brother Cameron who looks nothing like me,  but looks scary like my late grandad. My grandad that's what the prised persession is.  Thats what my grandma's hanging on for,  she misses him and doesn't want to leave, because in her mind he's still alive.

" Yeh granma he does.  Right you going to get some rest."  She looked exhausted.  According to the nurse she hasn't had a good night's rest in five days.

" Of course, I can rest peacefully now that he's here." She said whilst looking at the picture that is now perfectly placed angled to were she can she it without straining her weak neck.

"  Oh but darling I want to give you a present for your birthday tomorrow. And I didn't forget this time. "  She did forget,  it was my mum who got the present and card.

"  Thank you so much gran it means alot." It does mean alot she hasn't remember or got me a present for two years ever since she started with her memory thing.

"  It's fine sweety,  oh and read the card carefully please. "  I wonder what she means by that.

" Okay I will, get some rest now, I'll come visit you tomorrow. "  Mum visits sometimes but it upsets her to see her mum in this state.

I turned to leave but she grabbed my hand and forced me to look in her direction.

"  Don't come tomorrow,  it's your birthday go have fun with your friends,  see me the day after I'll be here all day every day." she said with a weak smile.  Could I really leave her for a day.  Well it's only one day.  Right.

" Okay gran see you soon." I made my way to her hospital room door.

' Goodbye ' I whispered and then left.

***** Then next day.

Happy birthday Em.

I started walking down the spiral stair case.  My family isn't exactly rich but were not poor either. We live in a secluded detached house in England,  located in Lincolnshire.   It's a small town near the beach. 

As you already know I'm Emily West and I'm a average looking girl with plain features for example my hair is dyed blonde but it's natural colour is a dirty blonde anyway.  My eyes are blue but in the sun they glow in the center of my iris. And In the dull weather they turn bluey grey. My nose is simple and button shaped,   my cheeks and high boned but it looks like I'm constantly blushing,  they're always crimson red its completely natural.

As I walk into the living room.  I pause and think about what's going to happen today,  hopefully good things.

"Happy birthday too you, happy birthday too you, haaappy birrttthhddaaayy dear Emily happy birtthhhdaayy toooooo you." My family sang the birthday tune to me I said my thank yous and I madey way to the stack of presents in the left corner of my brown and grey coloured living room. Strange misture but they look oddly good together.

I opened all my gifts and saved my gift from grandma till last.  She bought me straighteners and curling irons.  I need some new straighteners,  because my hairs been a Bushey mess lately.

I read the card from her in my room,  I did this because she said I had to read it carefully.

' To Emily,  I hope you get everything you wish for, have a lovely day. I'm so proud of you my gorgeous sweet. I know the struggles you go thorough everyday and you over come them, well done.  This is probably the last birthday you have with me around unless some miraculous recovery accurs, and I doubt that highly.

Have fun with your FRIENDS today.   Don't worry about me darling I'll be fine. You're the last of my family continue to make me proud.  I love you forever and always. From grandma White xxx.'

I went out with my friends but I had a ache in the pit of my stomach whilst I was out.  And I found out why when I got home.  My gramdma died.  She's gone, she's never coming back.  Whilst I was out having fun and enjoying myself, she was taking her last breathe. NO.  NO.  SHE CAN'T BE GONE. NOOOOOOO. I cried out to my sad selfish self .  Why did I listen.   I should have just hone and visited. Nobody else did, I was the last one to see her.

*** one week later the day of grans funeral.***

" You sure you don't want to go sweety." Mum asked me again.

"  Yeh mum if I go It won't end well." We are talking about me going to the funeral.

" Okay but later in life you might regret it". She's trying to black mail me.  Bitch.

" Well mum maybe you should have listened to my ideas."  I shouted because it was hiding my true emotion. Which Is sadness, stress, gulit.

" Sorry hun but we didn't think it was a good Idea." It was a good idea gran would have loved it.

" Okay but I'm still not going. " With that she left. But without slamming my door leaving it with a loud bang.

My idea was to have Swan Lake as the funeral song because me and grandma loved that movie I grew up with that song perminatly stuck in my mind. But my mum and my aunts disagreed with me and I don't want to go because of that reason and I'll end up crying like a two ywar old and mummble all of my words so basically I will ruin the whole ceremony.  It's better this way.


Second chapter.

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