Chapter 24: Its Over, Man

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Andddddddd begin part 2 woohoo... BTR won Hall of Fame at E news guys!! I'm proud Rusher ^^


Stabbing sound

That sound was the only one Gary heard but he feel nothing. No pain, no chocking breath, no nothing. Just the tipsy air around the building. He still close his eyes cause his in fear but once he opened, he sure is shocked. Dan shocked too.

Cheol Dan: Y-y-yoouu.....

??: You don't have to fear Gary-ahh. Fear bring you passion. Fear is not evil.... its bring you more stronger and better for the future.

Gary: J-j-jongkook hyung.....

Jongkook: Hey Gary..... don't worry... we here for you. Just let me beat this guy.

Gary shifted his eyes to the knife. The knife were slide through Jongkook finger middle line, blood between his fist and knife. Jongkook left hand trapped Dan right hand who hold the knife. Dan try to yanked back but its make Jongkook fist more tight around Dan hand.

Dan: Let go of my hand!!!

Jongkook: Now won't you remember me? Dan? You once stabbed my trust to you back we were work together.

Dan: Why you..... let go!! Stink Hand!!!

Jongkook tighten his grip again before launch a punch at Dan cheek. Jongkook let go his grip and punch Dan stomach make him fell off. The knife that Dan hold was throw at somewhere else. Jongkook tap the ear drop for call the police to come in.

Jongkook come toward laying Dan and put his foot at Dan chest, make him can't stand. He then call HaHa and Kwangsoo who carried Jihyo around their shoulder, wake up a bit.

Gary: Imie!!

Gary ran toward Jihyo and hugged her dearly... not to tight cause Jihyo just awake... well half awake. Jihyo hugged Gary back too... despite how many day she missed him.

Jongkook, HaHa and Kwangsoo smiled at their reunion but Dan interrupt they sweet moment.

Cheol Dan: Cut it out man, believe me.... that moment were never last any longer. Evil will hunt you DOWN!!

Jongkook: Hey!! Shut up!! You don't want to get beat up again right!?

Cheol Dan: Beat me.... I did a good job beat those three weakling b*tch at hotel. Plan to do killing those too but no avail. The one with short hair was a noisy one so I bang her head till it...blood... hehehe.

Within that, HaHa march to Dan and grabbed him by collar and punch real hard at Dan face. He repeat do that with each word he said.

HaHa: You. Hurt. My. Wife. And. You. Gonna. Pay. For. It!!

Kwangsoo: Hyung!! stop it already... I think he beat enough.

HaHa: Why you so naive, Kwangsoo-ahh!? hah!? He beat Yuri too, you even know it.

Jongkook tap HaHa shoulder to stop and stay calm... even Kwangsoo did the same. HaHa looked down at Dan... beating up, bruise around his face. He was satisfying giving revenge to him.

As in on cue, Inspector Suk and the other police come toward them, take the beat-bruise Dan and marched off. The paramedic also come and lean Jihyo with a mat and bring her down for treatment at hospital.

Three of them come toward Gary who watched the paramedic bring Jihyo out of this building.

Gary: Guys...

Jongkook: Its over Gary-ahh.... Its over... we save Jihyo.

Gary hugged the three bros that known since were little. They hugged back Gary, leaving Gary chuckle.

Gary: Do you guys remember this apartment?

HaHa: Hell yeah man...

Jongkook: Everyone did

Kwangsoo: The best apartment ever

Gary: Yeah *chuckle* remember we use to prank Kwangsoo everyday with a soap?

Jaesuk: Everyone did Gary-ahh

The four turned around to see Jaesuk and Sukjin at the door. They were smiling too and they giving them a hugged.

Gary: Hyung.... I'm so worried about you guys.

Sukjin: Why worry Gary-ahh? the real is we should worried about you.

Jaesuk: And here you are.... safe and sound with a little bruise and blood.

Gary chuckle about that. He admit, that was a pretty good fight. He longer didn't feel how a good fight went. The member of Running Man hugged each other after the conversation.

Jaesuk: Do you guys think.... that we should.... you know...

Sukjin: Set our foot here again?

Jongkook: Change the whole thing?

HaHa: Bring our girls to hang out here?

Kwangsoo: Do some guys night out?

Gary: And live here whenever we free?

Jaesuk: Heh....*smile* You bet I agree. But the problem is... how to expelled the contract of this apartment?

Inspector Suk: That should not be worried. I suppose hear enough of this important building to you and how love build here. I'm impressed of you guys. I will set the contract a deal to give you guys this building, were belong to yours; for real.

This time, they were smiling like a fool and hugged the poor Inspector Suk till he choked to breath.

Inspector Suk: Choking....not breathing..

They let go of Inspector Suk and bowed apologizing to him. Inspector Suk cleared his throat before speak up.

Inspector Suk: Mr.Kang... come on, we need to patch your injuries and clean up some blood. So do you too, Mr.Kim. Meet me up at downstair once you done. Officer, take all the furniture and the weapon... we sure to investigate a little bit.

Officer: Yes sir. I call other backup to pick the stuff.

Inspector Suk nodded before leaving the group. They leaving also after a minute ago and they surely know what they thinking right now ;

Its over Cheol Dan, Its over man...

Cut and thank you for reading.

Suppose to go to my cousin house you know girlz night out and can't cause my mom is sick and my dad say we go tomorrow. I want so badly going this day but mom sick mention away... I'm depressed... so see ya..

XOXO BigTimeLovers

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