Heart At Ease

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Chapter Fourteen

The rain began to fall and Scarlett rushed over to her husband, but by the time they reached the back door the rain had soaked them from head to toe.  Carefully she led him up the stairs and into his chamber where she proceeded in handing him his robe and excusing herself.

"Goodness me, you are drenched, would you like us to draw a bath for the both of you?" Bridget asked. 

She held in her arms a bundle of white sheets as she giggled at the condition Scarlett stood in.  Politely she agreed and Bridget nodded and hurried down the steps to call for the rest of the girls.  Scarlett closed the door to her room and pulled from her hair all the pins that held it up.  Tussling it, she undid the braids and quickly disposed of her dress.  She reached for her robe and pulled into it while reaching her window and pushing it open. 

This weather pleased her as she smiled and watched as lightning struck and the gray clouds rumbled.  She had not been to her garden but she was happy that at least water had grazed its presence. The girls entered and quickly vanished after drawing her bath, leaving her to have her privacy.  The silk night robe slipped from her shoulders and Scarlett lit a few candles inside her washroom and undid her corset.  Her breast cried relief and she sighed to feel the stinging pain around her waist vanish. 

Her toes tested the water and then fully submerged herself and surfaced gasping for air.  The pedals stuck to her as she took hold of a few and rubbed them against her skin.  Scarlett made certain to clean herself well and after her bath was finished, she dressed in a beautiful pink dress and combed through her air.  She let her long locks of brown hair flow and simply took half of it and pinned it with a diamond hair clip. 

Stepping out of her room she quietly walked to her husband's chamber knocking lightly as she stepped in.  Dathan rested in bed his eyes weary as she went about making certain his feet were well elevated.

"Would you like me to close your window?" She asked.

Dathan was too lost in his trance to answer; he simply stared at the way her light pink dress made her pale skin glow.  He marveled at the way her silky almond hair flowed with every step she took. She looked different with her hair down, more breathtaking.

"Paint for me." He said.

Caught off guard by the sudden question, she turned to look at Dathan a but puzzled. "Excuse me?" she said.

"I understand if you have other plans, maybe you were thinking of seeing your significant other?" he questioned. She could clearly see the way his brow furrowed at the last words.

"No, I had no plans, sure, why not." She replied. "Heaven's me you must be bored out of your wits." Scarlett whispered more to herself as she made her way out of the door.

It had been one of her yearnings to express to her husband just how passionate she was about her art.  Now that the opportunity surfaced, she could not help but feel a bit giddy about it.  Scarlett was uncertain why he had asked but nonetheless it was the second time he had approached her about it.  Deep down she did not want to lift her spirits but something in her knotted with delight to know that he was interested, even though he might be bored.  Once she retrieved everything that she needed, she settled everything beside his bed. 

The small oval tray in her hands soon began to fill with many different mixed colors as she began with the background of the canvas.  Her back chiseled to know he stared.  It hit Scarlett so suddenly the feeling of fright as she pressed the brush unto the canvas.  Slowly she closed her eyes and took a light breath.  She thought how comforting her garden made her feel, how safe and welcome it enveloped her every time she walked into it.  Her eyes opened and a smile formed unto her lips as she knew just then what she would paint.

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