Chapter 18: Are you satisfied with your care?

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As Baymax and I enter the portal, a bright light flashes before my eyes, making me wince. I squint when the blinding light finally dies down and I'm greeted by a breathtaking sight. A colorful space with bright and dark colors that mixed together like a painted canvas. A lot of Krei's building was clumped up and floating  aimlessly along with my microbots. I dodge another piece of tech that almost knocked me off Baymax as he maneuvers his way around inside the portal.

"Careful! There's Krei tech debris everywhere," I warn Baymax.

More and more broken building and tech started to follow and hit us, but Baymax very skillfully dodges every piece, traveling further and further to find Callaghan's daughter. While Baymax was scanning the individual pieces for her, he hadn't noticed the giant broken window coming straight towards us.

"Look out!" I exclaim, jumping off Baymax's back and running across the panel as Baymax flew under it.

The piece started to turn upwards, forcing me to jump through a broken part and land blindly on Baymax's chest. I sighed in relief when he caught me.

"I have located the patient," He told me.

We both looked up and spotted a lonesome pod in the distance. We don't have much time left.

"Hurry!" I said, climbing around Baymax and sticking to his back as he took off.

We blast off towards the pod that had frost covering the outside. Baymax pulled it closer for us to inspect and I search the pod for Abigail. I wipe off the window with my glove and peer inside with Baymax. Luckily, she was still in the pod and breathing. Thank goodness she was alive.

"Come on, buddy. Let's get her home."

Baymax nods and turns the pod around to face in front of him while I climbed on top of it to keep it steady and help Baymax.

"I'll guide you out of here. Let's go!" I said.

Baymax opens his wings back up and pushes us with the power of his boosters, once again traveling through the debris field.

"Veer right!" I order, Baymax moving to the right and avoiding Krei tech.

I nod and let out a sigh. So far so good.

"Okay! To the left!" Baymax moves around a bunch of debris.

A large piece of building comes our way and I narrow my eyes in focus.

"Up and over!"

Baymax goes up and over the large piece of building, avoiding it entirely, just as I directed him to. We see the same window of broken glass from before and I visibly tense.

"Okay, level off. Easy."

Baymax pushes us and the pod through the broken part and I let out a sigh of relief, the portal's exit coming closer.

"Whoo-hoo! Nice flying!" I look back to Baymax and smile brightly. "Almost there!"

Baymax looks up from me, seeing a large piece of structure come flying our way. I gasp and quickly take cover with my arms, preparing for the worst, when suddenly Baymax twisted the pod around and blocked us. I heard a crash and frantically looked around for Baymax until I finally found him. His armor on his left side was completely broken and gone, along with his helmet. His rocket boosters were damaged and he struggled to even float back over to the pod.

"Baymax!" I exclaim in worry, reaching my hand out to him.

Baymax tried to work his rocket boosts, but finds it a waste. They were completely beat.

"My thrusters are inoperable."

I shake my head and stretch my arm out further for him to reach. "Just grab hold!"

Baymax stretches him arm out to mine and I quickly pull him back to the pod as he grabs on.

This is bad. If Baymax's boosters are inoperable, then there would be no way back. We'd be stuck in this portal and die from the explosion. I wouldn't get to see Aunt Cass, my friends, [F/N].

I shake my head.

I have to think of some way out of here. We weren't going to die. I look back at the portal when I hear a distant cracking. We were running out of time.

"There is still a way I can get you both to safety," Baymax says to me.

I turn around to him. What was he talking about? He has to come with us.

I watch as Baymax puts his rocket fist on the back of the pod, then look back up at me.

He isn't actually planning on sacrificing himself, is he? I don't even have the words to speak. This is insane!

"I cannot deactivate until you say you are satisfied with your care."


No way.

There's was no way I was going to abandon Baymax.

"No, no, no, no. Wait! What about you?" I ask.

"You are my patient."

I stammer over my words, trying to think of other ways to get us out of here in time while also convincing Baymax to stay with us.


"Your health is my only concern."

I shake my head in denial and slap my hand to the pod out of frustration.

There has to be a way!

It can't end here!

"Stop it! I-I'm gonna figure out–"

"Are you satisfied with your care?" Baymax questions me calmly.

"No! There's gotta be another way. I'm not gonna leave you here! I-I'll think of something!"

"There is no time," Baymax retorts. "Are you satisfied with your care?"

I feel my bottom lip quiver and my eyes sting with tears. I can't lose anyone else.

"Please! No ... I can't lose you, too!"

"Hiro," Baymax replies, making me look up at him. "I will always be with you."

We continue to stare for a few moments.

I didn't want to let Baymax go.

But if it meant saving Callaghan's daughter and myself, I would have to let him go. I lean forward and wrap Baymax in a big hug as I cry, my shoulders shaking with my wavering breath. I feel Baymax hug me back with his free arm, and I feel safe. I hesitantly let Baymax go and give him one last stare to remember him before I go. I take in a shaky breath before smiling weakly.

"I am satisfied with my care."

Baymax leans back and nods before preparing his rocket fist. I grip on to the pod's wing and watch Baymax. His rocket fists detaches from his arm and the pod flies away to the portal's exit. Baymax watches us leave, floating around the dead space. I feel like if Baymax had a mouth, he would be smiling at me.

As I leave the portal, the bright light invaded my vision, forcing me to close my eyes.

That was the last time I saw Baymax.

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