Chapter 15: The Truth Hurts

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After Hiro had found out the base of the Kabuki Man, he set off with [F/N] and Baymax to get everyone else. Since they only had one ride, everyone was strung on to Baymax, gliding through the air. "Killer view," Go Go says nonchalantly, looking out over the sea.

"Yeah! If—If I wasn't terrified of heights, I'd probably love this. But I'm terrified of heights, so I don't love it," Wasabi states, gripping onto Baymax's fist for dear life.

[F/N] lets out a "pffft" sound, saying, "Come on, Wasabi. Live a little!"

"Well, my goal is to live a lot!" He retorts.

The crew circled around the island until Hiro catches sight of an abandoned testing area.

"There. Baymax, take us in."

Baymax obliges and flies down onto the platform, setting everyone down gently. Fred jumps up with excitement. "Awesome! Our first landing as a team!"

Hiro quietly tells everyone to follow him and they do. Wasabi points out the obvious warning signs reading "Quarantine."

"Uh ... 'Quarantine'? Do you people know what 'quarantine' means?!"

"Yeah. It's an isolated establishment to prevent contamination and spread diseases," [F/N] smartly answers.

Everyone looks at her a little in surprise.

She turns back and looks just as perplexed from their surprised expressions. "What? Haven't I told you guys I'm in all honors classes?"

Hiro shakes his head and continues to lead the group around the building.

"Oh! There's a skull face on this one. A skull face!" Wasabi whisper shouts, pointing to the sign with the skull.

"Be ready. He could be anywhere," Hiro warns them, stopping in front of a steal door.

Suddenly, something snaps behind the team and everyone starts firing off their weapons. Lasers, chemicals, discs, fire, and random cubes go flying everywhere. Once the smoke clears away from where the sound came from, the group only sees a pidgin. The bird coos in confusion before flapping its wings and taking flight.

Honey Lemon laughs a little sheepishly, saying, "Well, at least we know our gear works."

Everyone just collects themselves once again, getting back into a serious mode before turning back to the steel door. Wasabi nods in understanding and turns on his laser cuffs, sloppily carving a hole into the door and allowing everyone to walk inside. Hiro takes the lead down the hall once again and everyone quickly follows suite.

As everyone quietly walks around the eerie building, Fred starts to sing some random song he made up, "Six intrepid friends led by Fred, their leader, Fred. Fred's angels, mhm mhm. Fred's angels, mhm mhm. Harnessing the power of the sun with the ancient amulet they found in the attic. Mhm mhm. The amulet is green. Mhm mhm. It's probably an emerald—"

"Fred, I will laser-hand you in the face," Wasabi threatens him.

"Guys, shhh!" [F/N] silences the two, turning back around with Hiro.

"Any sign of him, Baymax?" Hiro asks.

Baymax tries his best to use his scanner, but finds it quite impossible. "This structure is interfering with my sensor."

"Perfect. The robot's broken," Wasabi states with a grunt.

Honey Lemon stops following them when she sees a slight crack in a door. She peeks inside and gasps. "Uhm ... guys, you might want to see this."

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