Chapter 4: Where to Again?

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"For ten years, I have done the best I could to raise you!" Aunt Cass states, slamming the truck door and digging out the keys to their café home set idly next to the street and other townhouses.

"Have I been perfect? No. Do I know anything about children? No! Should I have picked up a book about parenting?! Probably! Where was I going with this?! I had a point!" She huffs angrily, shoving the keys into the door's lock.

"Sorry," Tadashi mumbles, avoiding looking at his aunt.

"We love you, Aunt Cass," Hiro adds, smiling anxiously.

"Well, I love you, too!" She shouts, opening the door and hearing the bell ring off.

She flips the lights on and makes her way around the tables and to the display case of donuts near the cash register. "I had to close up early because of you two felons on beat poetry!" She turns to the two boys, her brows knitted together as she chomps down on the donut. She swallows and gestures to the delicious dessert in her hand. "Stress eating. Because of you!"

She looks over to the fat tabby cat, who had just entered the room and greeted everyone with a "meow."

"Come on, Mochi!" She calls, walking into the back and up the stairs, where their home was. She took another bite of the donut and groaned. "This is really good!"

The two brothers exchange worried looks before slowly following their aunt into the back and heading to their shared room. Hiro immediately jumped to his desk chair and logged into his computer, searching up new bot fighting places to go to. Tadashi soon follows, walking up the stairs and heading over to his neat side of the room, his coat and keys in hand.

"You better make this up to Aunt Cass before she eats everything in the café."

"For sure."

"And I hope you learned your lesson, bonehead," Tadashi says lightheartedly, turning to face Hiro while fixing his hat.

"Absolutely," Hiro says, turning around in his swivel chair while trying his best to cover the screen.

Tadashi's smile falls instantly. "You're going bot fighting, aren't you?"

Hiro shrugs nonchalantly, jumping back to his feet. "There's a fight across town, which is close to [F/N], who I forgot still has Mega-bot's controller. If I book, I'll get the controller and still make it to the fight."

He takes Mega-bot out from his pocket with a cheeky smile, starting to make his way to the stairs, but gets pulled by his hood and twisted around to face a stern Tadashi.

"When are you going to start doing something with that big brain of yours?" He asks, tapping Hiro's forehead with his fingers.

The young prodigy scoffs and pushes his older brother's hands away. "What? Go to college like you? So people can tell me stuff I already know?"

Tadashi stares at Hiro as if he's actually lost his sense of reason.

"Unbelievable," He rubs his face from stress, adding, "What would Mom and Dad say?"

Hiro shrugs casually once again and turns on his heel. "I don't know. They're gone. They died when I was three, remember?"

Tadashi narrows his eyes at Hiro in thought and an idea sparked into his head. "Hey!" He called out to Hiro, stopping him in his tracks.

He catches the helmet thrown his way and stares up at Tadashi in question.

"I'll take you and [F/N]," Tadashi says, grinning a little mischievously. He held two helmets securely under his arm and spun his keys around on his pointer finger.

Team 7                                                    [Hiro Hamada x Reader]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora