Chapter 2: No One Hustles Yama

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After both Yama and I put our money in the pot, we take a seat on the mats. [F/N] sat down next to me, staring at the sly fat man in complete fear. She hands me the controller shakily.

"Are you sure you've got this? I don't want you getting hurt," She whispers to me, a deep frown on her soft features.

I smile at her, showing off the gap between my two front teeth. "Don't worry. I've got this, b-babe," I stuttered out the last part.

Was that appropriate to say? I see
[F/N]'s face flush red. It was so bad that her blush reached the tip of her ears. I also feel the blush creep up on my face. "S-Sorry ..."

"No, it's fine! I liked it ... babe," She responds back in a hushed tone, kissing my cheek and patting my back. "Win this."

I nod feeling my heart swell with pride as she steps back into the crowd to watch. Yama cranes his neck and cracks it, a sickly smug grin on his face. I pretend to crack mine, an attempt to one-up him. We both set down our bots, mine sitting down on the cardboard. I could already hear the crowd betting for me to lose. They are so going to regret it. I remembered the plan I had in mind, gripping the controller tightly and not breaking eye contact from Yama.

The hostess twists her Japanese umbrella in between us. "Two bots enter, one bot leaves."

Yama straightens his posture, readying his thumbs on his large controller with many buttons and dials.

"Fighters ready? Fight!"

I make my bot wobble forward, making it look like a bot I'd built my first time. As I predicted, Little Yama slices up Mega-bot with its built in saw, unbeknownst to Yama that he only made his robot cut through magnets. I pretend to be surprised and examine my bot in concern. Yama howls in victory, the audience laughing with him.

"That was my first fight! I ... can I try again?"

Yama scoffs, reaching his hand into the money pot. "No one likes a sore loser, little boy. Go home."

"We've got more money!" [F/N] suddenly pipes in, holding up her wad of cash up to Yama.

I arch a brow in question, wondering where she got that money. Yama grins at her and nods, putting in even more money. [F/N] adds to the pot and winks at me, standing back so I can officially end this fight in style.

"Fighters ready?" The hostess yells once again, lifting her umbrella up from between the two robots. "Fight!"

I let down my meek persona and outstretch my controller. Pressing a few buttons, the Mega-bot uses its magnets to put itself back together again, standing up on its icosahedron shaped-like legs.

"Mega-bot, destroy."

Mega-bot's happy expression switches to anger. [F/N] cheers in the background. "Mega-bot's got his game-face on! You're so dead, Yama the Hutt!"

Yama stares at the Mega-bot in question, watching its arms spin quickly around its body, zipping around Little Yama. Yama starts to panic, pressing a bunch of random buttons and dials frantically. Mega-Bot snakes around Little Yama's arm, breaking it off, and using its sharp edges to take out the other arm. Then, the tiny bot wraps its body around the robot's small head, popping it off and completely destroying it. As Little Yama falls back on its metal back, Mega-bot jumps back to its feet, its painted face switching back to gleeful as it takes a bow.

The audience falls silent in complete surprise. The hostess hesitantly hands me my winnings as a pompous smile stretches across my lips. [F/N] jumps around in excitement, bringing me in for a tight hug, which I return wholeheartedly.

"No more little Yama," I say to Yama.

The fat man lifts up his bot's head, staring at it with his beady eyes. "But ... this is not possible!"

I shrug casually and stuff as much money as I can in my pockets. [F/N] picks up Mega-Bot and hands it over, smiling proudly towards me, which I absolutely adore. The audience starts to slowly disperse from behind us.

"Hey, I'm as surprised as you are. Beginner's luck, huh, [F/N]?" I say, bumping shoulders with her jokingly, not noticing Yama and his gang stooping over us. "Do you want to go again, Yama?"

I stare up at the angry men. Now it was my turn to be surprised. The group of junkies take [F/N] by her hood dragging her away from me.

"Hey! Wait–"

Yama shoves me against the wall, snatching away Mega-Bot. "No one hustles Yama!"

[F/N] huffs angrily and tries to squirm out of the guys' grip, glaring at Yama. "That's Hiro's bot! You can't take that–"

She gasps when one of the boys roughly throws her to the ground. She groans in pain and lifts herself up, gulping when she comes eye to eye with Yama.

"I'll do whatever I want, little girl."

I grow defensive and run over to Yama, trying to pull him back, only to be slammed back to the brick wall by one of his henchmen.

"Teach 'em a lesson!" Yama shouts, shoving [F/N] over to me.

I quickly hold her tightly, sighing in relief. "Are you okay?"


We both look up at the men cornering us and cracking their knuckles. I chuckle nervously, pushing [F/N] behind me. "Hey, fellas. Let's ... talk about this."

They don't listen and only lift up their fists, ready throw down hands, until a motorbike came bursting through the alleyway, cutting the guys off.

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