Chapter 5: San Fransokyo's Institution of Technology

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"What are we doing at your nerd school?!" I exclaim, pushing Tadashi's shoulder. "Bot fight's that way!"

I point behind me, and spot [F/N] pop out from behind my shoulder to take a good look at my brother's college.

"Nerd school?"

"My college is what he meant," Tadashi says, parking the motorbike near the stairs leading to the front of the large campus.

"No, I really did mean nerd school," I say, huffing out in annoyance.

We don't have time for this. We've already missed a couple battles most likely.

"It's so ... awesome!" [F/N] gushes, throwing off her helmet and following Tadashi up the stairs.

"Thanks. Nice to know you're happy about being here," Tadashi says, snickering towards me, knowing that I'd have to follow if [F/N] was going.

"She's easily impressed ..." I mumble, walking next to my girlfriend with crossed arms.

[F/N] stares at me with a hurt expression. She scoffs and walks on the other side of Tadashi with her nose turned up. I instantly regret saying that.

Tadashi winces. "Ouch. Anyway, I need to get something real quick."

"Fine by me. Whatever holds off going to the bot fight," [F/N] says coldly. I coil back a little, feeling my frustration levels rise.

"Is this gonna take long?" I question, dragging behind [F/N] and Tadashi.

"Relax, you big baby. We'll be in and out. Anyway, you haven't seen my lab," He says, opening the double doors into the giant lab station.

"Oh! You have your own lab?" [F/N] asks, smiling giddily.

I blow a piece of hair out of my face, feeling slightly jealous from the lack of attention I was getting, but not wanting to show it. "Great! We get to see your nerd lab," I say with loads of sarcasm, jumping back when a yellow bike sped past me.

"Heads up!" The girl riding the bike exclaims, stopping it near her working station and putting it on its hooks like it was nothing.

She pulls the wheel off the bike and examines it, shrugging before throwing up in the air as it connected itself back to the motorcycle's suspension. Once she walks away, I curiously walk towards it, looking in between the wheels and bike, finding a space between as if it were levitating. [F/N] also walks over and sticks her hand through the space before pulling it back out. "Whoa ... that was a weird feeling. Almost like two magnets in a way."

"Electro-mag suspension," I answer, smiling a little in fascination. It was quite impressive.


[F/N] and I both jump back in surprise, staring at the girl who was fixing the motorcycle earlier.

"Who are you?" She asks behind the helmet.

"I'm, uh ..."

"Go Go, this is my brother, Hiro. And his girlfriend, [F/N]," Tadashi introduces us to Go Go, patting both of our heads.

Go Go takes off her helmet and gives us both a blank stare, blowing a bubble with her gum and popping it with her teeth. "Welcome to the nerd lab."

She walks over to the motorcycle and tests out the wheels, spinning them back and forth. I laugh sheepishly, not realizing she heard me from earlier.

"Yeah. I've never seen electro-mag suspension on a bike before," I comment, following Go Go around to see how she'd work the bike.

"Zero resistance, faster bike," Go Go says, pulling the wheel off. "But not fast enough–" She throws the wheel into a large trash bin with other wheels. "–yet." She then walks away.

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