Chapter 14: A flight around San Fransokyo

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"Arms up!" Hiro says, using his scanner to calculate everyone's body types as they stood back against Hiro's garage wall.

He slides over to his laptop, pulling up the kabuki mask on his laser screen, pointing at it as he informed the others of his new findings, "The neurotransmitter must be in his mask. We get the mask, and he can't control the bots."

"Game over!" [F/N] says.

"Exactly!" Hiro says afterwards.

The next following weeks included lots of building, designing, and practicing. Hiro worked with all the members, helping them build on their strengths and weaknesses.

Honey Lemon's love for chemicals would play a great role with her weapon. Go Go's speed would be a great asset to the team. Wasabi's laser-induced invention would come in handy. And Fred's nerdiness would keep the fun afloat. Now, all it really comes down to is the design. That's where [F/N] comes to play. She worked painstakingly hard to come up with cool outfits and useful tech. It took her hours and her hand kept getting constant cramps, but in the end, it was worth it.

She even constructed herself a costume. A blue and white color scheme with a belt that had magnets on it to stick her drawing pad and pen on. Hiro came up with the idea to give her a drawing pad with a mini-3D printer. [F/N] likes calling it T3D. Once everyone had their equipment and gear, it was time for some practice. Everyone stayed at Fred's place every day, using their powers on Heathcliff—and not hurting him in anyway. At first, everyone was kind of a klutz, but once they got the gist of things, they had become one with their gear. It astonished Hiro how quickly they adapted.

After a couple weeks of hard work, everyone was ready to go. Fred jumped up in excitement in his dinosaur suit. "Whoo-hoo! Yes!" He cheers.

"I love it!" Honey Lemon exclaims, shaking [F/N] lightly while holding her chemical purse close to her.

"Yeah. Not bad, [F/N]," Go Go comments, taking one of the discs connected to her forearm and throwing it like a boomerang before having connect to her suit.

Wasabi stands and tries to fix his pants, asking, "Anybody else's suit riding up on them?"

[F/N] laughs a little in embarrassment while fixing her helmet. "Thanks. I really couldn't have made this happen without you guys ... or Hiro."

"Awww! You two are just so cute, you know that?" Honey Lemon giggles out.

"Yeah! Like ... Lois Lane and Superman only Lois is also a superman. Or a superwoman!" Fred says.

[F/N] rolls her eyes from Fred's nerdy reference. "Yeah. Okay, Fred."

"What was that?" Hiro asks, popping from out of nowhere.

"Nothing!" [F/N] exclaims, blushing a little bashfully.

Hiro slowly nods his head while throwing his girlfriend a smirk. "Uh-Huh. Well, check this out!" He says, going back behind the mansion and pulling Baymax out with him in all his shiny red glory. "I'd like to introduce Baymax 2.0!"

Everyone stared at the giant robot and were highly impressed. Fred gasps dramatically and gestures to Baymax in awe. "He's glorious!"

Baymax goes back to his normal friendly stance and waves to everyone. "Hello." He notices a butterfly flutter by his head and lifts his finger up to touch it before being abruptly stopped by Hiro, who was feeling a little embarrassed.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! H-Hold up! Focus." He looks back over to his friends and smiles sheepishly, clearing his throat before backing up next to his robotic partner. "Show 'em what you got, buddy!"

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