ch. 6 Morning after

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Tony started waking up in his king size bed, meeting Steve who blocked his way of getting up and than he remembers last night.

It was so perfect. Steve is so perfect. But no! I can't do it again. I can't go through this again, Tony thought and then looked over a bed searching for his boxers. He takes the clothes when Steve started waking up.

"Tony..." Steve wasn't sure what he should say.

"Look, about last night - it wasn't supposed to happen. It was a moment of weakness. Let's just forget it, okay?" Tony said not wanting to fall in love again.

"Yes. I agree." Steve said and of course that's not what he thought. What he wanted. How could he pretend something didn't happen when it was the best time of his life. He felt Tony has feelings for him, it wasn't just sex, just one night stand. It couldn't be. Tony was making love to him and he felt divine.


"Hey Nat." Steve said as she opened the door.

"Hello Stevie. What brings you to me this early?" Natasha said hugging Steve and welcoming him in.

"I have a problem." he said as he sat on one of stools by kitchen table.

"I'm listening."

"I slept with Tony." he said very fast because he needed to release it already.

"You did what?" Clint entered room followed by Bruce who was holding phone face-timing Thor.

"What happened? Haven't heard." Bruce asked.

"Steve slept with Tony. Don't act it surprised like you didn't expect it." Natasha said and then added "Thor, you owe me 20 $." looking at the camera of Bruce's phone.

"You didn't bet about this!?" Steve said shocked.

"No!" Natasha said in the same time as Thor said "Yes!"

"C'mon Steve, the attraction between you two was huge, h-u-g-e. It was just a matter of time." Natasha said.

"But, he said that we should forget it. And I feel guilty because I could stop it and I didn't. Also I feel guilty because of Bucky. I betrayed memory of my best friend." Steve admitted when Clint and Bruce together with Thor left the room leaving just the two of them.

"Bucky would be happy for you two, because you two meant a world for him and he wants you both to be happy so don't feel guilty about that. And Tony - he's head over heels for you. He just needs time to sort things out in his mind." Natasha said putting her hand over Steve's.

"Thanks, that means a lot." Steve said happily again.


"Rhodey hey!" Tony was happy to see his best friend again. Pepper also come over when she heard Rhodey is there.

"My dear." Rhodey kissed her.

"Hey you! Why didn't you say you coming? I would have picked you up." she said.

"Surprise!" he said, "Can't wait to see my princess."

"Okay guys, good you're both here now because I have a complex situation." Tony said sitting on stool by his island.

"What's this time?" Rhodey asked already met with Tony's 'situations'.

"Is it something about Peter? I know he skipped school lately to attend Avengers group training." Pepper said frustrated.

"No. It has nothing to do with Pete. Actually, it's not big deal. I can solve it myself." Tony went to stand up but Pepper returned him where he sat.

"C'mon, what happened? Spit it."

"I slept with Steve." He admitted looking at his two best friends ready for critics.

"You mean like you two fell asleep next to each other?" Rhodey asked not believing that it could be other way.

"C'mon, you know what I meant! We had sex last night. I was drunk and..." Tony started interrupted by Pepper.

"You and Steven Grant Rogers aka Captain America? You two could not pass a minute without starting a quarell!?" she said shocked.

"Well, since he lives here we are getting along and I think I started liking him. God, how can I stop this??" Tony asked.

"And why would you stop it? Maybe he likes you too." Pepper said more calm now.

"Well, I just lost my husband and I think I'll never recover from that. And I don't want to start something again."

"First of all, you didn't just lost a husband and you still have a life to live, however this sounds awful but it's true. Bucky knows you love him but he doesn't want you to be sad. Am I right?" Rhodey said putting hand on Tony's shoulder.

"Do you think I should try with Steve?" Tony asked looking at Rhodey and then Pepper and both of them nodded.

"Give yourself a chance." Pepper said and hugged Tony.

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