ch. 1 Last mission

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Tony snuffled and rolled over, still in that pleasant, peaceful state between consciousness and sleep. He frowned when he didn't encounter the warm, comforting wall of muscle he'd been expecting and, after reaching out and still finding nothing, he cracked open an eyelid, humming in disappointment when he found Bucky's side of the bed empty.

He sat up, yawning and rubbing the sleep from his eyes, and huffed to himself when he saw that the bathroom light was on. Deciding to give up on sleep now that his personal body pillow was up, Tony swung his legs over the edge of the bed and shuffled over to the bathroom, grumbling about early-rising husbands and their damn military discipline.

Bucky was in the middle of shaving when Tony opened the door, and grinned at Tony's reflection in the mirror.

"'Morning, sunshine," he said, while Tony shuffled up behind him. "You're up early."

Tony grunted and plastered himself up against Bucky's back, resting his head between Bucky's shoulder blades. "Only because somebody left me all alone and cold in bed," he mumbled against Bucky's skin, wrapping his arms around Bucky's middle. "Why are you up so early?"

Bucky's back shifted as he chuckled. "Wanted to get an early start. My flight's in four hours," he said, pausing mid-shave when his words made the arms around him tighten.

In his pre-coffee, early morning haze, Tony had almost forgotten that Bucky was leaving today. The reminder left a bad taste in his mouth, and removed any last vestiges of sleep.

Bucky set his razor down and turned around, grabbing hold of Tony's arms when he started to let go and using them to pull Tony up against his chest.

"Hey, come on now. It's just a few more months," Bucky soothed, running his hands up and down Tony's back.

"Don't remind me," Tony grunted, scowling and hiding his face in Bucky's neck.

Bucky snorted, then slid a hand under Tony's chin and tilted his head up, gently forcing Tony to meet his eyes. "You'll be fine," he said as he ran his thumb over Tony's bottom lip, his face softening at Tony's expression. "It'll be over before you know it."

"It's not me I'm worried about," Tony said, unable to keep the vulnerability out of his voice. "I just," He swallowed. "I miss you," he sighed, closing his eyes and leaning into Bucky's hand when he moved it up to cup Tony's cheek. "I hate it when you're not here. I hate waking up in the mornings alone, and wondering if you're okay."

"I know, sweetheart. But it's my last tour. After this, you'll never have to worry about it again," Bucky promised, raising his other hand so he could frame Tony's face. "You just wait and see - I'll be around so much, you'll be sick of me."

This time it was Tony's turn to snort. "Never going to happen," he said, leaning in for a kiss, which Bucky happily gave him. He pulled back with a sputter a second later, wiping shaving cream from his mouth.

Bucky laughed, ignoring Tony's glare of betrayal, but grabbed the hand towel he'd had slung over his shoulders and helped Tony wipe it off.

"You're the one who decided to kiss me while I was in the middle of shaving," he pointed out, eyes sparkling, when Tony pouted at him.

"It's early, and I haven't had any coffee yet." Tony sniffed. He couldn't be expected to think when his brain was in an uncaffeinated state. "Plus you know my brain stops working when you take your shirt off."

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