ch. 4 Love sparks

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*Half of year later*

Steve is back home after his morning run, Tony is still sleeping as usual. It was already six months that they were living together and they get along somehow. Steve searched in fridge for something he can prepare for lunch. Then Tony woke up and went to make his coffee.

"Good morning Cap." Tony said and Steve just noticed at how cute he looks still sleepy. He hasn't chance to answer back because Tony received a phone call.

"Hello?" Tony asked not even looking at the number then realising it was Rhodey, but then he remembers he is on a mission.

"Tony please go to the hospital. Pepper's childbirth started earlier then we expected. I will arrive as soon as I can. Can you stay with her?" Rhodey was talking very fast, without taking breath and he was worried.

"Sure, sure. I'm calling you as soon as I have news." Tony tried to fight panick because Pepper needs him and she needs him relaxed.

Steve stayed home while Tony went to hospital to be by Pepper's side.


Little baby girl was born two months before due date so she had to stay in baby's incubator. Tony sent picture immediately to Rhodey and the baby was very cute, Tony already fell in love with her.

"Thanks Tony for being here." Pepper said looking at her baby through glass window with Tony next to her.

"I send picture to Rhodey, she's so cute." Tony said. "Steve will come to pick us up."

"We still don't have a name for her." Pepper said laying head on Tony's shoulder.

"I give my vote for Morgan." Tony suggested.

"Hey, I like that name! If Rhodey agrees we have a name." Pepper said happily.


Pepper went to sleep soon after she ate what Steve prepared.

"I can't believe Pepper and Rhodey agreed on my name suggestion." Tony was very happy. "She is so cute and tiny."

"So, it's Morgan?" Steve asked taking the last bite of his food.

"It is. How about we watch that movie we planned some time ago?" Tony suggested while putting dishes in the sink.

"Sure, what we'll be watchin'?" Steve agreed happy to spend some time with Tony finally, because Tony's been very busy. Steve was always attracted by him and lately he thought he started developing feels for him.

"Star wars?" Tony suggested and Steve happily accepted. Tony bring some popcorns and they both took their spots on the couch. They both watched Star wars movies more than once but they liked it.


It was nearly the end of the movie when Steve notices Tony was already sleeping. He looked uncomfortable so Steve pull him on his thigh and now Tony took all his attention.

God, he is so beautiful. Steve's eyes were fixed on Tony's peaceful sleeping face. He went to touch his face, but then it hits him. No, no I can't. He's Bucky's husband. He still wears his ring. He will never be mine.

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