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Book 3 is out

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Book 3 is out

'This was the one she was just wearing?' Scott peered, looking up at Stiles who quickly jumped in the jeep, the vehicle moving slightly. His jacket complimented his skin well, she always liked it when Stiles added splotches of colour to his wardrobe.

Callie sat in the backseat, her arms crossed sluggishly, brown hair up in a ponytail, as once again, Scott and Stiles dragged her out of bed. She was a state, still wearing her pyjamas, her body still half asleep. She wasn't even wearing shoes.

Scott took the medical gown covered in blood from Stiles' hand and Callie moved forwards slightly. Stiles nodded slowly, his head barely moving. Callie cocked her head, the atmosphere had changed slightly.

'Don't worry, I'm not gonna let anyone hurt her again' Scott reassured, leaning closer towards his best friend. Callie's eyes narrowed, is this what they woke her up for?

'All right, just shove them thing in your face and find her' Stiles gulped. Callie placed a hand on his shoulder, shooting him a sympathetic smile, not that he could see it. His glistening brown eyes were focused on the blood which had stained Lydia's gown.

Stiles ignored her tiny act of kindness, Callie slouched back down in the back of the jeep, arms crossed, her eyes just about to close.

Callie felt the jeep shake and a groan escaped from Stiles mouth 'did you just stall?' She mumbled, one eye opening.

'No' he grumbled, his fingers tapping on the steering wheel 'Allison' he muttered. Callie ignored the noise of the brim eyes boots tapping against the concrete as she ran to the jeep a grin on her face as Scott stuck her head out the window.

'What are you doing here? Someone's going to see us' Scott warmed, his eyes not leaving hers for a second. After Chris held a gun to his face, they both vowed to stay away from eachother, in public. 

'I don't care, she is my best friend, and we need to find her before they do' Allison whispered, her hands slowly adjusting the beanie which was placed on her head.

'I can find her before the cops can' Scott huffed, moving back slightly. He was reluctant to let Allison join in their hunt, if that is what she was suggesting.

Callie leaned forwards slightly, flashing Allison a grin. 'How about before my father does' Allison countered, cocking her head.

'He knows?' Stiles gulped, resting his arm up against his wheel and the brunette nodded in just saw him and three other guys leave my house in two suvs' Allison grunted, jumping on the spot as her anxiety built up.

'Search party' Scott muttered. 'Sounds more like a hunting party' Callie gritted her teeth. She crossed her arms tighter as she felt the cold air envelop around her as Scott had the window open, she was the only one dressed for bed, it was like nobody ever tries to sleeps in this town.

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