Chapter Nine: Just say Yes

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Three days was enough for Isabelle to burst out of her room in frustration, the door banging loudly as she exited. Mel looked up from her spot at the kitchen table, her fork midair as she paused to watch her friend slide into a chair across from her.

"Did you finish your Twilight binge?" She asked casually, probing to see what kind of mood Isabelle was in.

"Yeah, it wasn't as great as I remember it being. And Rob Patz definitely glowed up AFTER Breaking Dawn Part 2." She cracked a smile. Mel couldn't help but smile as well.

"I've been thinking." Isabelle started as she grabbed Mel's cup of coffee. Mel frowned but let it slide as Isabelle took a sip of the coffee and then slid it back. "Maybe I need a break. This not working might be good." Mel grinned.

"It took you three days to figure that out." Isabelle rolled her eyes.

"I've never been as fast as you when it comes it figuring things out."
"True. But I'm glad you've figured this out. You've worked solidly since day one." Mel took a bite of her food as Isabelle nodded.

"It just sucks." She stretched and got up from her chair and went into the kitchen, her goal to create food for herself. Mel watched her and smiled.


Hannah unlocked the door to Sweets flat and entered, a hand on her giant stomach as Booth and Sweets came in behind her.

"Home sweet home." Booth said through gritted teeth as he walked towards the lounge and placed Sweets on the couch, sighing in relief as he freed himself from carrying Sweets. Hannah popped a bag on the counter and made her way over to Sweets and sat down on the couch and sighed.

"It's nice to be home." Sweets said, looking around the room, a hand on the side of where his wound dressing were. Booth had disappeared outside and was coming in with things bought home from the hospital that would be necessary for Sweets care. A wheelchair was the last thing to come in.

"I didn't think I would be home, y'know."
"Thank goodness you are though. Otherwise I'd have to kill you myself for dying." Hannah rubbed her stomach as she said that, her face looking slightly pained. Booth noticed and came over to her.

"Are you okay?"
"Someone is sitting on my bladder." She muttered. Booth made a noise and Sweets watched them, a tired smile on his face.

"So, how are we going to do this? You guys can't stay here."
"Well you can't be here by yourself." Booth shot back as he helped Hannah up so she could go to the bathroom. Sweets rolled his eyes.

"I can handle myself."
"Says the guy who got shot and almost died." Hannah had left the room and the two men stared at each other.

"Let us help you, Sweets. We don't... We don't want anything else to happen to you." Sweets eyed Booth and nodded. Booth relaxed and sat down in an adjacent chair.

"Look, Hannah has had an idea that I think she's working on to get you some help so that you don't fall getting to the toilet and open up your stitches."
"Considering I have a -" he pointed to the bag attached to his leg and Booth groaned. "I don't really need to use the loo."
"You'll need to empty that thing." Booth grimaced. "And you'll still need the toilet. But anyway. Hannah has a plan." Sweets nodded.

They both looked towards the bathroom as Hannah pushed her way out, her stomach making an appearance before she did. Booth got up and was at her side before Sweets could even blink. She looked at her husband gratefully and let him help her to her seat. Sweets watched them and tried to move but winced in pain as he reshuffled into a more comfortable position.

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