petir abuse incoming

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yall really thought because i stopped spamming updates i would stop murdering the pikachu?

not in my life

thanks to adudu spreading word about the quote on quote, fearsome and manipulable Petir to take credit on how he was the one that first took control of him

This sparked a lot of controversy, where a lot of haters came to throw fuel to the fire. Petir, of course, does not take any of it well and handles it wrongly, which sparks even more hate and theories that he's a villain spy.

It got so out of hand that even Cahaya almost believed it. This, in turn, sparked even more rage from Petir, who would solidify Cahaya's opinion on him if he didn't know any better.

Petir rage quits society and leaves to Gur'Latan, the planet of thunder and warriors. The warriors there doesn't know he's the lightning elemental, so they demand him to prove himself if he wanted to join their ranks.

At first, Petir got his ass handed to him. They didn't like humans, so the General himself was fighting him. Petir was backed into a corner and humiliated as the other soldiers were laughing at him, and that's when he snapped.

For the first time in months, he used Halilintar. He absorbed the energy around the planet and fought back, which he won almost too easy.

He stood by the General's fallen figure, glaring down at the army. "Now do you accept me?"

Of course, that's when they realized that this was their long lost elemental. (Each elemental came from different, specific elemental planets but was taken thanks to Retakka) Petir does not know or remember any of this ordeal, but he knows what Retakka did.

He spent another few months there training, which paid off really quickly because of the same element. He was practically having a higher status than the General.

Sksk this is not a betrayed! Petir story where he comes back super duper OP. I hate those kind of cliches but at the same time they're good but easily underwhelming.

Still, Petir keeps to himself. He misses Earth and his family, but he didn't want to deal with the hate and false news circulating him. He was tired of being slandered because of lies.

Petir eventually makes it back to Earth because of homesickness, but is ultimately irritated by the rumors. It's been months, but some of the topics have yet to die down.

Also, Petir's stay in Gur'Latan had changed his body physically. Mainly:

- there were cracks on his face that glowed either yellow or red underneath depending whether if he's using his second tier or not

- his nails are naturally sharp asf and can draw blood easily

- there are yellow streaks in his hair

- he has longer hair so he always ties a mini man bun 

But mentally, he also underwent some changes, but most of them was like he came home from the fricking army:

- is more self-disciplined

- has a strict schedule for himself

- more arrogant and loud spoken

- effectively falls asleep whenever he wants to (air envies this)

Still though, he wasn't the only one that left. Soon after Petir's departure, Angin left to Bayugan because they needed help in restoring the damage Retakka had done.

Of course, Angin stays there and trains his powers. He came back to Earth few days after Petir did.

Angin is:

- more carefree

- even more spontaneous and random

- complete disregard of responsibility

- unable to sit still for ten seconds

- has an undercut

- blue streaks

- cracks on his neck that glows blue

- utterly destroys people's sanity just by talking

So when Petir and Angin reunite, they're not on the best of terms. Their personality clash is worse than before, which just goes to show how different their homeworlds and aspects are.

Tanah is suffering from a mega migraine just by looking at those idiots he call friends. 

Soon after, Daun is also called to help repair the forest planet, (which I will call planet cendawan because i can't find the name of it) so he hops to it.

Also, during this time, they're still living under the same house. Though Petir will get irritated by Angin and chooses to sleep in his own ship parked by the cocoa stand. (this takes place in the far future, so tok aba is dead and pulau rintis is basically their base of operations)

Tanah cannot stress how much he wants to punch those two in the face for acting like a divorced couple.

Cahaya, on the other hand, is interested in their bodily changes. He often asks Petir for tests (since Angin is uncontrollable) but always ends in vain.

A week later, Daun comes back, and has the same changes as Petir and Angin. Only not as drastic:

- personality didn't change much

-  but he loves nature even more now

- has small cracks on his left arm, glows green. (Petir's has the largest cracks and Angin is moderate. Daun's is barely visible but obvious in the dark)

- somehow, always has leaves in his hair

etc etc

this went from petir abuse to smashing the elements like porcelain 

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