Genderbend One-Shot Trivia

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- Boboiboy's hair in season 3 and Galaxy comes out a bit longer but she cuts it because she doesn't want it to get in the way of her fighting.

- Her elements have individual looks and genders.

- Thunderstorm, Quake, Ice and Blaze are girls.

- Solar, Cyclone and Thorn are boys.

- They won't affect her gender when she's using their powers or as the leader of an elemental split, but when they come out in a split, they retain their chosen genders.

- So the elements can change their genders if they want to.

- Thunderstorm's personality has become more brooding and solo. She listens to nobody no matter what.

- Quake's motherly instincts went off the chart. The actual Mama Tanah.

- Cyclone is as free and playful as ever. Nobody as been unable to restrain him.

- Blaze is timid and runs away from problems. Zero confidence. She doesn't face battles but finds the best exit in the shortest time. Level of denial is so high it hurts.

- Water is confident, affectionate, and faces problems head-on. She will headbutt her problems if she can.

- Thorn is still innocent, naive and straightforward. <3

- Solar is prideful and has a delicate ego. Confidence is off the charts and tends to get overconfident at times.

- Thorn and Water gets along better than anyone and has the best synergy.

- Quake and Blaze makes the perfect overprotective-mother and daughter relationship.

- Well I spent all that on elements.

- Kaizo is the overprotective brother that watches over Fang like a bestie at you and your bf/gf's date.

- AKA sitting nearby, wearing sunglasses and a fake mustache while reading a newspaper as he stares intensely at their date. 

- Boboiboy and Fang's relationship involves 1) insulting each other's faces off on a daily basis, 2) one-sided flirting from Fang, 3) just cuddling all day and everywhere and giving everyone cavities.

- If you hurt him/her you die a death so gruesome you'll wish you'd never been born.

- Boboiboy forces herself to swallow Yaya's cookies because she doesn't have the confidence/heart to tell her that her cookies are too lethal.

- She ended up in the infirmary for food poisoning in TAPOPS.

- Fang took all of Yaya's biscuits and threw them into space for that.

- "Did anyone see my biscuits?" "Yeah. They're in motherfucking space!"

- Boboiboy has a sweet tooth. 

- During her period, she needs cuddles 24/7 along with blankets and a crate of chocolates next to her.

- Other than that, periods doesn't affect her mood, unlike Yaya and Ying. 

- At one point where they'd gotten too close that their noses were almost touching, Kaizo swooped in and dragged Boboiboy away so she wouldn't "pollute" his precious Pang.

- Fang chased after them every time.

- Kaizo doesn't want to admit it but he wants nieces or nephews.

- bIsH gEt yOUr oWn gIrlFrIEnD

- Tok Aba's also waiting for great-grandchildren.

- Yaya, Ying bet against Gopal that they'll get married in 21.

- After Vargoba, Fang always stayed by her when she was in her coma, but on the third day decided to prank her with Gopal.

- It took Boboiboy a good ten seconds to process what was going on.

- She chased Fang as Thunderstorm around the station because of that.

- There was one mission where Fang almost died and Boboiboy's like, YOU'RE GOING DOWN YOU BITCH

- Fang never lived it down that his girlfriend had to save his ass in the end.

- Also, there was a time where Boboiboy was kidnapped for the aliens to study her power and Fang just busts in the lab Bakugo style and fucks everyone inside up.

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