Virtual AU

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I have nothing interesting to say before we start so-

- Fang is the main character.

- After Fang and his team managed to rid the universe of the last power sphere hunter, he and his friends all for some reason, start to get weaker and passes out at complete random.

- Boboiboy was the only one immune.

- It was alarming. People panicked their heads off.

- And when their heartbeats finally reached a flat line, Fang screams and wakes up in another room. A hospital room on earth. 

- He couldn't believe his eyes. 

- He saw that he had died. He shouldn't be alive.

- He realizes that he was wearing some sort of helmet.

- Doctors welcome him back to life. They explained that he had a mental illness and went through this experimental stage of brainwave therapy.

- Fang was told that he had schizophrenia.

 - Ciciko, Tarung, Adu-du, all those aliens weren't real. There's no such thing as powers.

- The life in Pulau Rintis, TAPOPS and space was just a simulation. His body had never left this hospital room. Through observing his brainwaves, they try to stabilize his illness and remove it.

- Kaizo is his real brother. He joined Fang in the simulation because he cared for him.

- Fang is physically 19. He had been in the hospital room ever since he was 12. He was in a coma for seven years.

- He asks for his team. His teammates had the similar situation like him.

- He visits Yaya and Ying. Ying's legs were paralyzed. Yaya's hands were paralyzed as well. They were cured.

- They could barely remember their lives before the simulation.

- They visit Gopal, who had anorexia. He was extremely skinny to the bone. He was also cured. He is 20 years of age.

- They try to comprehend this. They were teenagers, 14-year-olds in the simulation. They try to adapt to an adult body.

- Fang remembers one thing.

- "Was Boboiboy real?"

- The doctors told him yes. He is indeed real. When Fang asks to see him, but they were hesitant.

- Yaya, Ying and Gopal back him up. Reluctantly, they agreed to bring them.

- They were brought to the emergency care station, where the people there had terminal illnesses. They arrived at an isolated place where it required high security.

- Boboiboy had brain cancer.

- The doctors said that it was at the latest stage. His parents had discovered his status too late. 

- So Boboiboy's mind was still stuck in the simulation.

- They will try to cure him, but it would take longer time.

- Fang requests that they spend more time with him.

- The doctors agree, since their insurance hadn't ended yet.

- So they return to the simulation in their teenage bodies. They see Boboiboy, crying over their "deaths".

- They know that this isn't real. It doesn't feel right anymore. They keep it a secret from Boboiboy and try to spend as much time with him as possible.

- Boboiboy is veeeeeerrrryyyyyy confused. 

- Why is Fang suddenly so nice.

- Why does Yaya and Ying act like they can't punch or walk.

- Why is Gopal scared of eating.

- Why are they suddenly so affectionate.


- Kaizo miraculously disappeared.

- In reality Kaizo had left the hospital to report this to their parents. He only visits the simulation occasionally so he could check up on Fang. He knows that the simulation they lived in wasn't real.

- Also, Kaizo is really nice and warm in real life. He's a nerd. He looks the same but he's a reader than a fighter.

- Ochobot is also real. Though he is a cat. Not a robot. 

- Tok Aba is also real. He is played by a random stranger who has diabetes.

- Also, Boboiboy's parents come. They decided that they would let their son rest in "peace", which meant they were going to pull the plug. 

- Fang and his friends were purged out because they needed to know. They manage to stop his parents in time, but Boboiboy's aware of everything now. They told it to him because they thought they were going to fail.

- Boboiboy's mental condition worsened. His mind starts to become destructive to its own self. The cancer gets worse.

- Through a last-minute resort of cancer treatment, he survives and wakes up, but he is mentally unstable. He confuses the simulation with real life. He goes distant. Depression follows, along with schizophrenia.

- Fang is still best friends with him. He accompanies him to therapy.

- After a couple of years, he's cured. They get jobs.

- Boboiboy works as a model.

- Fang is a singer. He's quite popular.

- Who am I kidding everybody wants to kiss the two.

- Yaya is a professional boxer and an all-around fighter.

- Ying is a runner and a racer and a motorcyclist.

- Gopal is a chef.

- Kaizo is a college physics professor.

- The guy who posed as Tok Aba really opened a chocolate stand named Kokotiam.

- Fang and Boboiboy starts dating.

Here's the bad twist. Ignore if you want a happy ending.

- Boboiboy's cancer gets a rebound.

- He is rushed to emergency care. But they can't do anything. The simulation is no longer compatible with his mind because they were outdated and shut down. 

- Fang stays by his side everyday despite his busy career.

- Boboiboy is in a coma. 

- He was told that he would never wake up. Ever. Their only choice was to remove his life support.

- Fang didn't want to. He believed that Boboiboy would wake up.

- But with a moment of the simulation, Fang and Boboiboy met as their teenage selves.

- Boboiboy tells him to let him go. Find someone better. He won't survive. Don't waste your time on a guy who'll never wake up.

- Fang doesn't want to, but Boboiboy persuades him. If they can meet here and in real life, they'll see each other again. In the next life.

- Fang agrees to remove his life support.

- Boboiboy died.

- Fang had stayed single his entire life. His songs were all about heartbreak and the pain of losing the one you love, which only made him more popular.

- Then one day, his schizophrenia also returned. He began to hallucinate that Boboiboy was around him, alive.

- He was found dead after accidentally impaling himself on the neck, believing his knife set was Boboiboy.

Haha did you expect Fang's death cause

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