au mostly used in this book

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as yall see the elementals in my book are very inconsistent (except for tsundere petir/hali) so I will now make an explanation here in point forms. *all of them are 19+


The Oldest: Petir/Hali (duh)

Personality: Silent, brooding, is actually aggressively hostile off-screen, too straightforward

Power Ranking:
Agility: 4
Speed: 5
Defense: 2
Firepower: 4


2nd Oldest: Angin/Tau

Personality: Optimistic, never gets to the point, carefree, secretly sharp and observant

Power Ranking:
Agility: 4
Speed: 4
Defense: 3
Firepower: 2


3rd Oldest: Tanah/Gem

Personality: Caring, Responsible, Understanding, short temper, menacing

Power Ranking:
Agility: 2
Speed: 1
Defense: 5
Firepower: 4


4th Oldest: Api/Blaze

Personality: Shorter temper than Thunderstorm and Quake, hot-headed, strike first talk later, easily distracted by side tasks or games

Power Ranking:
Agility: 4
Speed: 3
Defense: 3
Firepower: 4


5th oldest: Air/Ais

Personality: Apathic, incredibly blunt and observant (not as much as cyclone), lazy, calm

Power Ranking:
Agility: 5
Speed: 1
Defense: 3
Firepower: 3


6th Oldest: Daun/Thorn

Personality: The most straightforward person in the world, innocent, secretly a serial killer (mayhaps), ignorant

Power Ranking:
Agility: 4
Speed: 3
Defense: 4
Firepower: 1


The youngest: Cahaya/Solar

Personality: Prides himself on his intelligence, night owl but keeps getting awoken in daytime, always tired, hostile if exhausted

Power Ranking:
Agility: 4
Speed: 5
Defense: 1
Firepower: 5



In this world, elementals have to sign a contract in order to become an elemental.

After becoming an elemental, their bodies will be reformatted into mostly pure energy.

This contract is given to Lightning by the original elemental master, Boboiboy.

Lightning has six contracts he can give six people.

Lightning protects Pulau Rintis for a while, and meets Earth and Wind in school.

Earth is originally an asshole and a bully. Wind is his "friend" whom he bullies a lot.

Earth tried to bully Lightning into giving him his powers, but Lightning just scoffed and turned away.

Wind later apologized for Earth's behaviour.

After many "bullying attempts" which annoyed Lightning, Earth eventually gets into trouble with the villain.

Lightning saves Earth before he dies, which Earth apologized for everything he's done. He hangs out with Lightning now, along with Wind.

When Ejo-jo comes to attack, Lightning tries to fight him alone and fails terribly. Last minute, he gives Earth and Cyclone two contracts which turns them into elementals too.

They defeat Ejo-jo and yeet.

Eventually they meet two other students from another class, who are twins. Their names are Fire and Water. (Cue the OST)

When Bora-ra attacks, Lightning gives Fire and Water two contracts, and they're now elementals.

In the city, they meet Leaf who's aspiring to be a botanist; then Light, who is a genius but anti-social.

When Retakka attacks Earth, Lightning has no choice but to use those last two contracts on Leaf and Light.

Light gets yeeted lmao. Not their best moment.

They can fuse because their bodies are mostly energy. They fade from Retakka's attack also because of this.

100 years passed, and their names changed to: Thunderstorm, Cyclone, Quake, Blaze, Ice, Thorn, Solar

200 Years: Petir, Angin, Tanah, Api, Air, Daun, Cahaya

300 Years: Halilintar, Taufan, Gempa, Blaze, Ais, Thorn, Solar
> some names remain the same because the owners like their names from the 100 year period



- their ages remain forever 19

- heights (tallest to shortest): Quake, Thorn, Blaze/Ice(twins), Thunderstorm, Solar, Cyclone

- Thunderstorm and Solar have a 0.5cm difference

- if an elemental's powers are drained, they will cease to exist

- their powers are mostly condensed in their blood. If they lose too much blood, they will also fade

- when they hit their 150th year, they started to unlock their reverse forms but they are constantly yeeted out

- Lightning has been an elemental 200+ years before meeting Earth and Wind

- they all live in a house because everywhere else they know has changed over the course of 300 years

- everyone dislikes someone suffering to the point because it's so tiring to keep caring for someone else

- it is impossible for all 7 to fuse. In doing so, they would literally kill the world around them. But if they do, the entity is called Prism.

- Thorn and Cyclone cannot fuse.

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