My Reverse 2.0 AU

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- Boboiboy grows up, matures and realizes that there are many foes he can't beat no matter what.

- He starts to get scared that he can't protect the people he cares about.

- In fact, he worried too much.

- Stress accumulated. Blaze starts sleepwalking abd burning things down again.

- Then it was at that point where sleepwalking couldn't work. Blaze was dominant almost all the time, making him impossible to locate.

- But eventually this wasn't enough. Boboiboy now suffers from severe depression.

- His personality enhances his elements, and he can weaken them.

- Solar was the first one to be affected. Because his personality is pride, Boboiboy is extremely insecure and had weaken him ultimately. He can't even destroy a chunk of rock.

- Then it was Quake. Motherly instincts and leadership skills. He couldn't even summon a baby golem and his barriers can be shattered with a single kick. From Gopal.

- At first it was still fine... He still had the others. But when his depression continued, more of his elements were affected.

- By far, Thunderstorm and Blaze are the strongest elements because of the anger and stress.

- But then Thorn and Cyclone gets weaker. They're innocence and happiness, but Boboiboy can no longer feel it or be happy.

- Ice is the only one unaffected because he's always dormant and passive.

- Quake knew that they were going to die.

- They didn't want to.

- So instead of representing their original aspects, they adapt and use the negativity as their new representatives.

- Their hair color doesn't change, but their eyes did.

- Quake's eyes are now dark purple instead of gold. He is a rebellious teenager rather than a mother. Has no regards for anyone and he doesn't care about anyone's well-being.

- Solar's eyes are now black. He is now less flashy, and somewhat an emo kid who would slaughter everyone rather than deal with social events.

- Thorn's eyes are now dark green. He is no longer innocent, but he is a childish sadist. Loves blood and gore more than anything. He is also aware where babies come from. (Extreme Dominant alert)

- Cyclone's eyes are now dark blue. He is mature, but "careless". Like everyones dying, he'll drop the antidote into lava and pass it off as carelessness.

- Ice, Thunderstorm, Blaze are still the same.

- But with the imbalance inside of Boboiboy, his mind becomes chaotic and totally at random. His depression escalates into a mental disorder.

- Taking off the watch doesn't help. They are embedded in his mind permenantly.

- He pleads for this to stop. He doesn't care what happens, he just wants this pain to stop.

- His elements hear him. They begin to argue over whoever should dominate his mind. The reverse team or the sane one.

- Of course it's four against two. Ice isn't included. He's still the can't care less type.

- Thunderstorm and Blaze didn't want to do this, but they had to or their fellow elements would die.

- Ice's status follows the rest of the elements. If they are all corrupted, so is he, but his personality is basically the same, making him more chill and laid back than before.

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