Chapter 43

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It had been four months since I had seen her, two months since I had seen anyone for that matter. I was not sure if going to her now was the right choice but as much as my demons clawed at me the distance between us also ate at me. I could not sleep, could not work, could barely eat and all I did all day was train and train.

I was not ready to face her, felt unworthy to even call her mine. How could I look straight into her eyes? How could I hold her when as soon as I closed my eyes my hands were dripping with blood that stuck on my skin blending together as one? How could I love her when I did not love myself at this point? If my own family could not love me, if I could not love myself then how could she?

It seemed somehow I had the habit of turning the people I love so much against me, somehow they just hate me no matter what I did.

Was I drowning in my own sorrow? Yes. Was I hiding away from the world? Yes. Did I feel worthless and alone? Yes. I had just lost my family in a few days. Their hate so bad they would rather die than look past everything in the past. Was I that bad? Was I that hard to love? If so then what about Harley?

My mind could not help but wonder if the only reason she was with me was because I was her safety blanket? If so then what about now when the threat had been eliminated, what then?

I jumped over the log, my toes grabbing some wet sand as I sped through the forest. The forest I grew up in, the forest that bore witness to all the blood, sweat and tears as day after day I was shaped into nothing less than a soldier. I ran on feeling the air blind my eyes, bruising my cheeks with the tree branches hitting me now and again.

I did not want to think right now, did not want to even breathe. If only I could just cease to exit just for a week, a place where I would lay peacefully from all the violence of the world.

Was I a coward? Yes, definitely yes. I was fifty shades of fucked up and basically could not find my way. I don't know how I got here but after walking out of that warehouse my feet just carried me to the place where it all started, the so called Roderou castle. The place seemed haunted, night after night I would toss and turn with the demons squeezing the very life out of me and all I could do was call out for her. She was my saving grace, my light and my everything but was I hers? I ducked dodging a branch just by an inch as I pumped more energy running bare foot up the mountains. Pain pushed me, pain everywhere, so much pain it drowned me, so much pain I could barely breathe.

I was at the top of the mountain in no time overlooking everything watching the waves crash, the trees sway and the sun rising up the sky sending its glorious waves all over my land, my own land. I sighed sitting down on the highest rock there was there watching everything feeling all my worries washed away, feeling at peace as if the lord was blessing me on this day, I stood up taking a deep breath and stretching before heading back out to the house. Everyone was back, the house was alive again filled with people and laughter. I walked through the door nodding to the butler before walking up stairs where I took a shower. I closed the tap shaking my hair droplets falling on the closed door. Opening it I stepped outside only to freeze. There was commotion on the other room, someone talking. I wrapped a towel around my waist going to my cabin grabbing my gun walking out ready to execute whoever had walked in my room.

The door opened with such intensity that it hit on the wall so hard making my presence known. I froze watching the scene in front of me, my baby crying from the noise the door made.

"Come on Klaus, she had just gone to sleep."

I could not believe this, could not believe my eyes. Was she really here? Slowly I walked to them seeing my baby kick and kick in her mother's arms crying out loud. Bags were all over the floor Harley looking as if she would drop down anytime from exhaustion. I could not help it, my heart went wild as I brought them all together my arms around them.

"I missed you guys," I could not help it all my fears gone as I saw her beautiful face, her scent, her smile.

" We missed you too," she replied lips perking mine as I stepped back looking at this little angel that had stopped crying staring at me with her analysing eyes trying to see who the hell I was. I took her in my arms her eyes never leaving my face as I brought her to my chest feeling so complete and so at home. This was my family, this was my family and I would fight for them till the end.

"Dada," She said as I held her back with her grinning her grin quickly turning to a giggle recognition pouring on her.

I pulled her back in feeling so happy and so blessed at this moment.

"How did you get here?"

"I took a flight even after fighting with the guys for two days. They finally got the thumbs up from Alejandro and we were on the first flight from Paris because I just could not wait to see my man. Anyways how are you? You look like hell."

"Good," I said playing with Czarina who was chewing on my finger with her four sharp teeth.

"Great," she replied staring at me awkward silence falling on us with both of us not really knowing what to say or do. So much time had gone by with so much happening leaving both of us changed.

"So I killed Nicole,"

"I heard," I could not help the smile, so proud of her.

"You should have seen me Klaus, I kicked so much ass, I was like bat woman or something and by the time your men found me I had taken everyone out."  She beamed proud of herself and so was I. I could not believe everything was all gone, could not believe we could finally be free.

"I know, it's the first thing Alejandro told me, I am just sorry I could not be there."

"It's Okay Hun, you taught me how to defend myself and that was all I needed, anyway I have a surprise for you." She said beaming as I stared not liking surprises yet I could not help the excitement that flood over me as I walked to her grabbing her by the waist pulling her closer to me watching her blush and giggle at the same time happiness wrapped around her making me nervous at what it was.

"We pregnant!"

"Harley, you should not joke about these things."

"I am serious,"

"Really?" I could not believe it so much so that I found myself standing there watching her as she stepped back opening her jacket showing her tiny bump. My heart was racing, mind losing it as I stared freaked out of my mind not believing what was in front of me. My hand found its way to her stomach where it lay feeling the warmth and the thick layer of skin protecting our child.

"I can't believe this,"

"I know Hun, I love you so much."

"I love you too Harley, thank you for... everything." I thought I would cry, thought I would die as my heart drummed fighting inside me with blood rushing all over my body as I brought her closer burying the three important people in my arms never to let go.

"You gave me a family and turned my house into a home. I will protect you and love you till I take my last breath."



Our lips crushed into each other as I kissed her with hunger and thirst holding on as our lips melting together the kiss going deeper and deeper but I had to pull back, had to control myself because in my arms was now a kicking baby that was having none of this as she clawed at my chest making me laugh and pull back.

" I need to take a shower, I stink," she said walking away leaving Rina to bully me to carry her all over the room babbling on with her as she was feeling chatty spilling all her saliva on me, we were basically catching up. I placed her on the bed facing down going to the closet to pull on a t-shirt and shorts walking out my eyes falling on the bed finding it empty panic setting in as my eyes scanned the room finding the little chipmunk walking with her bracketed leg towards me not even wanting to imagine how she got off the bed which had half of its cover on the floor. She took two steps bending down as she stumbled only to catch herself standing up straight looking at me only to flash me the biggest smile I had ever seen melting my insides with her four front teeth flashing out. I walked towards her meeting her halfway grabbing her hand as we both walked side by side opening the balcony doors fresh air blowing through sending the curtains floating in the air. Rina seemed fascinated being outside looking out then looking back at me only to giggle. Her hand was engulfed in mine it seeming so little with me afraid I was going to break it yet she seemed happy with just walking around with me even though she had to take ten steps to match my two steps with her stumbling now and again. At was at that moment that I realised all that I had missed these past four months hiding away. She was so grown up, so small yet so big from the last time I had seen her.

We stood there seeing all that stood in front of us, my island, my houses and everything I had worked for. Men were walking around with their guns in their hands ready to fight and defend. I had to let go of my past, had to walk away from it because I finally had the family that would always be there and love me like the way I had hoped my parents and sister would have but they did not think I deserved to be part of their lives and that was fine. They would rest in peace and I would carry on with my life and my family. Two arms circled around my waist as I felt her head lay on my back as she sighed getting comfortable and taking it all in.

"I missed you husband and missed saying 'husband'," seems said laughed as I swallowed her voice seeming like a thousand angelic voices singing in my ears.

"You can say it all you want now wife," I replied honestly also finding joy in also calling her wife, my own wife. Lord   I just could not get used to it having her, to having someone who would stick by my side no matter what giving me her all.

"Did you guys get breakfast?" I asked feeling hungry myself.

"No Hun and we are just so famished." She replied peeling herself off me as I turned taking her hand as we all walked talking about all that had happened with Rina putting her rumbled two cents now and again everything put past us as we could finally move on with our lives and be there for each other with so much love, happiness and honesty.

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