Chapter 19

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That was the sound that I held on to, as long as it was constant there was still hope. Hospitals, clinics or whatever had started to become one of my least favourite places. My heart was aching again, my eyes could not wonder away from him. He lay there on that thin bed as if he would just wake up any moment and wish me a good morning. He looked so at peace; his chest rising and falling.

He looked so innocent, he looked relaxed, and he looked like a totally different person. He was so handsome. His hair was all messed up, his face bruised and batted. My eyes wondered to his chest and it was like someone was squeezing my heart; his chest had all sorts of scars. There were so many scars I would draw the map of the world with them. They were old scars with only just a few new.

My hand u clenched his so hard at some point I thought it would break. I did not dare let go, I did not want to let go. I just wanted to sit there and guard him, I wanted to stay by his side for I felt like if I left something would happen and I would not forgive myself.

The old clock ticked away, minutes turning into hours yet the darkness still had no plans of making way for the light.

"Miss Rosero, you should go sleep. Mr Rogerou is stable and he would be able to wake up in a fee hours, his body just needs some rest. The guards will call for you if he wakes up." The doctor said as he packed away his things.

I bit my lip, then took a deep breath "Thank you sir but I will just stay here a little while longer." I said to him, I had no intentions of going anywhere. I did not want to leave him here all alone.

The doctor nodded and then walked to some cabinet and picked up something then walked around towards me and covered my body with the throw-blanket.

"Thank you doctor," I said to him as he nodded his head then walked out with his things.

I turned my whole body to face the bed, my fingers could not help but move to gorgeous face and trim out the edges of his face with my hand. My mind the drifted back to the kiss we shared, it was like I could still feel his soft lips on my. I never knew kissing could hold so many emotions and desire. I took a deep break shaking my head trying to stray from that train of thought.

I sat back on the chair as the time ticked away, my head would droop and I would quickly open my eyes and sit back, shaking my head to chase the sleep but then my head would drop again. Finally at dawn I let sleep claim me.

My eyes flicked open only to close again. My changed position and snuggled deeper but then like a bolt of lightning I shot up from the bed, my eyes searching around to find nothing except for the fact that I was now in my bedroom.

Who took me from the clinic? I thought irritated. I slipped out of the bed quickly and checked at my phone only to find that it was twelve, the sun was up and shinning.

I quickly went to the bathroom to take a shower, came back and dressed up then made my bed. My mind kept contemplating on was about to receive my wrath from taking me from the hospital. Fifteen minutes I was done and rushing down the passage to the elevator. My feet were tapping on the floor as I was ready to give whoever moves me to my bed a piece of my mind. The elevator clicked open and I walked around the passage before walking into the clinic only to find it vacant. There was no one there, specifically there was no Klaus there.

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