Day 2

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"So, B, I was thinking, instead of going to Pop's we should go to that bar on the southside, the Whyte Wyrm,"

"You mean the bar where all the Serpents hang out? I don't know it sounds a little dangerous, V"

Veronica let out an exasperated sigh and put her coffee cup on the table and faced me. "Come on, B, you need to do at least something "Dangerous" before you graduate, do you want to have a boring high school experience?" she asked using air quotes when she said dangerous.

"Gee, Veronica, thanks," I said back sarcastically just as Kevin and Archie walked into the student lounge and sat on the couch opposite us.

"Sorry B, but it's the truth. Tell her Kev, she needs to start going out and doing stuff,"

Kevin looks at both of us and gives me an apologetic look. "Sorry B, but Veronica's right,"

"Ugh, fine," I said defeatedly.

"Yay!" Veronica squealed. "Okay, we'll meet at my house and Andre will take us,"

The day dragged on forever and by the time the bell rang I felt ready to collapse. I walked home and tried to get at least a little work for the Blue and Gold done before I head over to V's.

When I reached her house, I was about to knock when the door swung open and I was pulled inside. "Woah, Kev, what the hell?!"

"Come on, we've got to get ready so we can go," he said and dragged me into Veronica's room. We walked in and immediately saw clothes thrown about the room. They were everywhere and I was already regretting agreeing to this.

"B, finally you're here! Great, now try this on," she screamed and threw a dress at me and shoved me into her bathroom. The one she gave me was a tight dress, that came down to mid-thigh and was all black, definitely not my style.

"I don't know, I don't really like this one, V," I said as I walked out. Both Veronica and Kevin looked at the dress as if it was a puzzle. Then veronica got up, picked up another dress, and gave it to me before shoving me back in the bathroom.

This one was a lot better, this one was a light pink color, it was still tight but gave me more room and it stopped just above my knees. I walked out of the room again and this time both their jaws dropped seeing me in the dress.

"OMG, B, you look so good!" Kevin squealed and Veronica jumped and nodded in agreement. We arrived at the Whyte Wyrm and walked in together, and no, it wasn't like in those movies where its in all slow motion and everyone looks at us, we just walked in.

After about 20 minutes both Veronica and Kevin were drunk off their asses so I decided to go outside for some air. I walked out and there was only one other person there, he was wearing a serpent jacket and had a crown-shaped beanie on. He turned and saw me and I quickly said "Oh, uh, I can go somewhere else if you want,"

He laughs and says "No, its fine, you're the girl that came in with those other two aren't you?"

"Uh, yeah, I was forced here against my will," I said and he chuckled. "I'm Betty,"

"Jughead, Jones," he replied and my eyes widened, I was talking to the serpent king.

"Jughead Jones? As in- "

"Yes, Jughead Jones, as in the serpent king," he said.


"It's fine, I get that a lot,"

I had been talking to Jughead for a while, I pulled out my phone and saw the time and my mouth almost dropped open. I had been talking to Jughead for over an hour and it only feels like 10 minutes.

"Something wrong?" Jughead asked. I whipped my head up and looked at him.

"Oh no, I just looked at the time, I hadn't realized we had been talking for over an hour,"

"An hour?! Wow,"

"Yeah, I guess time flies when you're talking to an adorable gang leader," I jokingly said. He looked down to the ground and his cheeks turned a light pinkish color. "Are you...blushing?"

"What, no," he said but he definitely was.

"Did I get the angsty, hardcore, total badass Jughead blush?" I asked amused by the whole situation.

"No...It''s the cold," he said defensively.

"Huh. It's the cold. And not that I told you that you're adorable?" I said teasingly.

He blushed harder and tried to say "No," properly but his voice cracked slightly as he said it.

I laughed and he stared at me with an annoyed expression on his face. "Fine whatever you say," I said but I still continued to laugh. He rolled his eyes and muttered a quiet 'whatever' but a smile slowly formed on his face and he laughed a little as well.

Kevin and Veronica stumbled out the door giggling and laughing. "Come on Beeeee, lets goooo," Kevin said and Veronica just laughed at him.

I turned around to face Jughead again and planted a kiss on his cheek. "See ya next week, Juggie," I said and watched him blush again. I laughed and went over to Veronica and Kevin and helped them get in the back of the car.

As I drove home I thought about Jughead and felt myself blush at the memory.

A/N so sorry that I didn't upload it sooner, I had it ready but I had a weird day and it slipped my mind, anyway, here it is!

forgot to mention this but if you do have any requests for this month, leave them in the comments. anyone who has given requests, do not worry I haven't forgotten about them I will write them and I will be sure to tag you, so don't worry

that's all, love you guys

stay safe

Bye ❤

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