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A/N Hello, can you believe it? I actually uploaded a chapter on time, YAY! anyway, I hope you enjoy...

Betty's POV

I don't know what to do.

Sometimes I feel like I'm the odd one out in my group of friends. I never realized how mean they are to everyone. But I can't just stop bring friends with them right? I mean, maybe I could find better friends but no one would want to be friends with me because of them. Would they?

My best friends are Cheryl, Josie, and Veronica. At first, we were all great friends and we were inseparable. But now things are different. Ever since we started high school Cheryl and Josie have started acting differently. Like, they judge and bully everyone around them including me and Veronica. But I'm too scared to do anything about it and so is Veronica, so we kind of look out for each other but neither of us can take it much longer. What are we supposed to do? Josie and Cheryl are the most popular people at school they could probably ruin everything for us if we left them.

It's Monday morning now and Veronica and I are walking to school together to meet Josie and Cheryl. We both walked in silence looking at the ground, both of us thinking the same thing but neither of us speaking up. Lately, Cheryl and Josie have gotten a lot worse. They constantly make fun of us, shame us or even hurt us. There have been a few situations where they have slapped us in the face or shoved us into lockers because we didn't do what they said.

We walked in silence for another 10 minutes before Veronica spoke.

"Betty, I don't think I can take it anymore, I'm sick of Cheryl and Josie basically fat-shaming both of us all the time. I really wish we could just stop hanging out with them."

"Yeah, I know, I've been thinking a lot about that but it's Cheryl and Josie. We can't exactly just stop."

"I know but what are we going to do then?"

"I have no idea"

I put my arm around her shoulder and hugged her. I really hate seeing my best friend like this and I am also getting fed up. The more I think about our situation the angrier I get. Neither me nor Veronica deserves any of this! And it needs to stop, and soon!

We walked the rest of the way to school and met up with Cheryl and Josie at the lockers. They complained at us and said they had been waiting for ages for us to arrive and that we should be lucky they are such 'great friends' otherwise they would have just left already. I wish they would of.

It was lunch and we were all sitting at our table when Cheryl suddenly looked at me and then at my food and then back up to me and said "are you sure you want to eat that Betty? I've noticed that you've put on a lot of weight lately"

That was it. I was done. I will not take this anymore. I stood up and banged my hands on the table making everyone around me jump including Cheryl.

"That's it! I'm done! Cheryl, I am sick of you acting like a little bitch. Okay?! I get that your popular and your parents are rich but that does not give you any right to say things like that to me, Veronica or anyone else at school. I will not respect anyone who talks shit about the people you run with. So you can choke on all that shit you talk for all I care. I'm done with you."

And with that, I stormed away out of the cafeteria and into the hallways. I didn't know where I was going but I didn't care I was filled with anger and relief now that I'm finally free from Cheryl Blossom.

I needed to go somewhere and calm down after the big scene I had just made so I walked into the school's newspaper room and locked the door. I turned around and realized I wasn't alone. A raven-haired boy was sitting at the table typing on a laptop. When I turned and looked at him, he was already staring at me with a confused expression.

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