Jealous Archie (part one)

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Archie's POV

A/N this is during the bughead scene in 1x06.

I was in my room working on my music when I spotted something from the corner of my eyes. I walked over to my window and looked into Betty's room to see her kissing someone. JUGHEAD! When did this happen? I thought she liked me. Wait why do I care? I don't like Betty, do I? that's when it hit me.

I'm in love with Betty Cooper.

----------------------Time Skip----------------------

Betty's POV

I just got back from the woods where Juggie and I told sheriff Keller about the car. I'm in my room writing in my diary when my mind wandered to what had happened earlier today with Jughead. I was really stressed about what had happened at The Sisters of Quiet Mercy and Juggie knocked on my window and was really there for me and helped me and then he kissed me!

I can't believe I spent so much time obsessing over Archie. Truth is, I don't think I ever did love, Archie. I think I just loved the idea of the perfect cheerleader and Jock being together. I should have noticed it sooner. Juggie has always been there for me and helped me when I was struggling. He really is an amazing person.

I finished writing in my diary when my phone started buzzing. I looked to see who was calling me. Jughead. I smiled when I saw his name and answered.

(this is betty, this is jughead)

Hey Juggie

Hey Betts, I just wanted to check you were ok after everything that's happened

Yeah, I'm ok thanks Juggie.

Great. Um, I was wondering if you wanted to meet at Pop's for a milkshake?

Yeah, I'd love that. I'll see you in 10 minutes?

Yeah, see you. Bye


I got ready quite quickly and headed out to Pop's. I walked in and saw Jug sitting at a booth with two milkshakes. I walked over to him and once we locked eyes, we both started smiling like idiots. I sat down on the opposite side of the booth and he passed me my milkshake. We talked and laughed for a long time, just enjoying each other's company when Archie walked in. and he did not look happy...

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