How Am I?

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Betty's POV

A/N so yeah, this is it. It's more of a friendship oneshot than a bughead one. but I think it's one of my best chapters so...

I think this is possibly the worst I have ever been. I really question sometimes if this is where I'm supposed to be. I constantly worry if all my friends are fake. Or if I'm pretty enough to even step outside my house. And I always feel like this. Just empty inside. And I don't know how to fix it.

I eat now. That's something. A few months ago, I had finished PE, we were all in the girl's locker room talking whilst getting ready. I like the locker room. We didn't all hang out outside of school or even at school, really. But we had good and funny conversations, we could talk about anything and everyone was good enough to not tell anyone else. Whatever happened in the locker room stayed in the locker room.

But that time, something happened. We were complaining about girl problems and all that. For some reason, everyone was comfortable enough to just start talking about their boobs and what size they were. Something I had kind of noticed was that mine were bigger than all the other girls in my class, but I didn't mind. And I trusted these people, we all respected each other, so I joined in with the conversation, it was funny as well so I thought why not. And it was fine. one of them did say "Really, mine are so much smaller," but I didn't mind that. I said I was fine with the way I looked and didn't mind mine were a few sizes bigger than everyone else's.

But then my supposedly best friend Evelyn said "Really? I'd be embarrassed if I had your body,"

I didn't really know what to say. It made me a bit self-conscious. I mean, I've always felt a little bit self-conscious but never enough that it worried me. No one else said anything either, they just kind of looked at her with surprise. But she didn't seem to notice.

We were all leaving for lunch and that's when my other two friends came over to ask if I was ok. They tried to convince me it wasn't true but I didn't believe them. I didn't eat lunch that day. I said I wasn't hungry and my friends tried to make me eat but I didn't.

In the next week or so one of my two friends (Veronica) stopped being friends with Evelyn and they really didn't like each other now. For me and my other friend Cheryl it was a little more difficult to stop being friends with her, but then something happened. Evelyn told me she was moving and wouldn't be at the same school anymore. I pretended to be sad but I was actually really happy. See, after that day I hadn't eaten at all, but she didn't notice. Cheryl and Veronica did, they were both really worried about me.

During the time I hadn't eaten, I got headaches all the time. I even fainted in class a couple of times as well. The nurses asked me if I had eaten and I said no. so they told me it was probably just low blood sugar levels and told me I should eat something and have a drink. They didn't send me home the first time because I said I would be fine and I would eat something. Even though I didn't. they did send me home the second time though because they figured out again, it was my blood sugar levels. I didn't tell them I hadn't been eating, though. they seemed quite concerned about me but didn't ask anything else.

After a couple of weeks I still wasn't eating. I was at home and my mum came into my room. Apparently, someone had noticed I was throwing away my food instead of eating it and either told a teacher who called my mum or it was a teacher who noticed. I broke down in front of my mum and she just hugged me. I felt better at that moment, but only for that moment.

My parents and my two best friends tried to help me as much as they could and eventually, I started eating again. I even opened up to my parents and told them that I had been feeling depressed and for a short amount of time, I thought I was getting better...

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