I Hate my Birthday

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A/N enjoy...

Betty's POV

I woke up slowly opening my eyes as they took in the rays of light shining through the window. I squinted my eyes and shut them tight, scrunching my eyebrows together, avoiding the blinding light. I opened my eyes again and blinked rapidly trying to adjust to the brightness. I slowly raised from my position and sat up rubbing my hand over my face and sighing. I looked at my window and watched as a golden glow spread across the sky chasing all the clouds away. I just sat there and watched, it was moments like that, that I loved.

The moment was short-lived though, as I suddenly realised what day it was. My birthday. I've never liked my birthday; the whole day was just a nightmare. Especially the attention and the gifts. Most people when they turn seven would be really excited, finally being a year older, getting that one gift you really wanted and eating as much cake as you can.

I wasn't like that though; I didn't like getting presents. It always made me feel bad that someone was wasting their money on me, and I never liked attention either. I would try extra hard just to make sure that no one noticed me. but on my birthday, it's unavoidable.

Despite being extremely exhausted I manage to drag myself out of bed and get ready for school. That was one good thing about my birthday, it was always on a school day, so I never had to do anything really special.

I walked into the living room and saw three presents laying on the couch ready for me to open. I woke up early and everyone else was asleep so I went back to my room so no one knows I already saw the presents. My parents like to try and surprise me on my birthday.

Even though I don't like my birthday I do appreciate their attempts to surprise me and I am grateful for the presents that I get.

After everyone had woken up and gotten ready, they were waiting for me to come into the living room so they could sing happy birthday and give me the presents. I walked in and they began to sing, I tried to avoid looking into any of their eyes because I knew if I did, I would start crying. I was already on the verge of tears; all it would take was one look and I would be done. I just managed to pull myself together.

The first two presents were dolls. When I opened them, tears began building up in my eyes again. I don't know why I always felt like crying when I opened presents it just happened. But I couldn't let them see that, that would've made them upset. So, I plastered a fake smile on and said thank you. I did like the present and I was thankful for it I just wish I hadn't got anything; I would've been happier.

The second present I already knew about, my dad always gets excited when one of our birthdays come up and he usually spoils at least one of the presents. I was getting a guitar. I knew that day would've come eventually. My mums' side of the family was full of musical talent so it made sense that she wanted me and all my siblings to try an instrument, and I think I might have mentioned that learning the guitar would be cool.

The guitar was actually a gift from my gran. My mum wanted to get it for me but my gran said she would. I knew a guitar was too expensive for my parents to buy anyway. We moved from New York to Washington DC (but eventually we moved back) a while ago which meant we did have money but not loads. That just made me feel worse. They didn't have to spend money on me but they did. I didn't cry though, I somehow managed to keep my tears in.

I was dropped off at school and I entered the playground. I only had one friend at school. She was the only one that wanted to be friends with me but I was okay with that, I didn't like being around lots of people at once. She asked how I was and I told her about my birthday. I don't know why; it wasn't like I wanted anyone to know it was my birthday but I felt like I could trust her not to tell anyone. But I was wrong.

Everyone was sat down at their table when I got asked to stand up in front of everyone. At that moment I froze. I was paralyzed with fear. I stood up hesitantly, the fear of humiliation rising with every step I took, my body shaking as I made my way up to the front. This is what I was most afraid of. Standing in front of a group of people knowing none of them like me but they're going to give me their full attention anyway.

The teacher told everyone it was my birthday and then asked me what my favourite present was. I tried my best to swallow the huge lump in my throat but the best thing I could manage was a small whisper. I was about to say the guitar but then she would have asked more questions so I decided to mention the dolls instead and then gave her a weak smile.

The next part was probably the most haunting thing I had ever seen. The whole class had to sing happy birthday to me. I stood there; all the colour drained from my face. All these people, who I know don't like me, singing for me. some of those people had actually gone out of their way to make me feel bad but they sang anyway and wished me a happy birthday. I have never felt so lonely in a room full of people.

The rest of the day seemed to drag on forever but eventually, the bell rang signalling the end of the day. I ran as fast as I could out the door to my dad who was waiting outside the car. He gave me a hug and asked how my day was. I said it was good because I didn't want to tell him I had the worst day ever because people sang happy birthday to me. that just sounds ridiculous.

The rest of the day went by like all the others, finishing any homework we needed to, eating dinner, playing around and then going to bed.

As soon as I was in bed, I let it all out. All my tears burst out like a waterfall, spilling down my face. I felt all my muscles trembling as I looked towards the window, staring at the sky full of fiery reds and oranges as the sun set.

Soon the sun had fully set and the silver moon was high in the sky lighting up the dark night. I stared at the moon for a while, letting all the sadness I once had fade and melt away. I always felt calm when I looked at the sky it always gave me a little bit of hope. The moon was there to comfort me during the darkest of times and the sun was there to remind me it was a new day and maybe things would be different.

I laid down in bed thinking about everything that had happened that day. As I was contemplating, I felt my eyes getting heavier and heavier until I finally let sleep take over me just as one more thought crossed my mind. I hate my birthday.

A/N funny story, this is actually something I wrote for my English class (it's due tomorrow, I'm like the queen of last minute homework) and I thought "Hey why not use this as an idea for a chapter as well" so I did.

today's question is...

have you ever went snooping around and found something you wish you hadn't?

anyway, that's all, hope you enjoyed, don't forget to vote and comment and remember to check out my other book.

love you all


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