Can You Keep A Secret?

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Betty's POV

Jughead and I have been dating for about two and a half months now but no one knows. Our families hate each other. They hate the fact that we're best friends, they would never support us being together so we decided it would be best if no one knows, just to be safe.

Not even our best friends know about us. Although we've nearly been caught by them multiple times.

I'm downstairs in my house eating breakfast when I heard the doorbell. That's probably Archie. He lives next door to me so we often walk to school together.

I walked over to the door and opened it expecting to see the red-headed boy next door but instead, I found someone else.

"Hey Archie, I- Juggie?"

"Hey Betts, Morning, I Just thought I could walk you to school"

"Won't people get suspicious if they see us walking together?"

"Betts everyone knows we're best friends this will look completely normal"

"Oh, yeah, right" I laughed before running to get my bag and walking out the door.

As we were walking to school, I noticed that we had been holding hands this entire time, so I quickly took my hand out of his before anyone noticed. He looked down at me and gave me a questioning look before realizing what happened. It's difficult trying to keep this a secret.

We arrived at school and sat in the student lounge where all our other friends were.

"Hey guys," I said and sat down while jughead sat down next to me a bit closer than friends usually do which didn't go unnoticed by Kevin and Veronica, Archie, however, was oblivious (as always) to it. We all talked and gossiped until the bell for our first class went.

I had a free period so I decided to go to the blue and gold to finish some articles. I had been working for about fifteen minutes until I heard the door creak open. I looked up to see jughead walking in and closing the door. I got up walking towards him smiling and then placed my arms around his neck.

"Hiya Juggie."

"Hey Betts, how is my gorgeous Juliet doing?" he replied and wrapped his arms around me.

"Good now that you're here."

He smiled and chuckled at me before connecting our lips. I smiled into the kiss and tightened my arms around his neck. Just then the door opened and Veronica walked in before stopping after seeing me and Juggie. We quickly pulled away and turned our heads to face Veronica staring at us with a knowing smile on her face.

"Oh my god, I knew it! I knew you guys were dating! I am so telling Archie and Kevin about this."

"No Veronica don't," I said quickly "You can't tell anyone about this ok?"

"Because if you do then we can't be together anymore" Jughead answered for me.


"Our parents" I explained "They hate each other and would never let us be together if they found out so please don't tell anyone. Please"

"Okay, okay, I won't tell anyone but can't I at least tell Kevin and Archie?"

I looked over at Jug and raised my eyebrows asking what he thought but he gave me the same look. I looked back at Veronica and smiled.

"Maybe" I answered

"No need for that, we already know," a voice said before Kevin and Archie entered the room.

"And can I just say you two are soo cute together," Kevin said and jumped up and down clapping his hands. We all just laughed.

"All right then I guess you all know but you cannot tell anyone ok? Can you guys keep a secret?" I asked them

"Don't worry your secrets safe with us" 

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