Heaven Couldn't Wait For You

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Jr.'s POV

"It's true" I said placing my head down when I saw a small, small little pink blanket. "Is that the baby?!" I asked looking at them confused. 

"Something like that." Dad said as he looked at us both through the mirror view. 

"What do you mean? The babies in the blanket right?" I asked confusingly. 

"No.." He said as silence took over. 

Brooklyn's POV

          When ma and dad got back the whole house was quiet.  No one said a word it was a bit confusing because we never saw her bring in the baby, Nor the fetus, all we saw was a small pink blanket that she held close to her chest as she layed across the couch. 

"Are you okay?"  I asked as I took a seat on the floor in front of her.  She just stared off into space she wasn't crying or weeping she just laid there.  

I saw Chance helping dad make dinner while Jr. Washed the dishes. 

lDad Christmas is near and no one went Christmas shopping." I said walking into the kitchen. 

"Christmas isn't about presents." He said as he gave me a funny look while he stirred the pasta around in the pot. 

"Yes Christmas is about Jesus." Jr. said so determine. 

"No its not dummy its about Santa." Chance said hitting him with the towel. 

"Hey behave, both of you are wrong Christmas is about spending time with your family and being thankful-  " Dad started but got cut off.

"Hol'up bruh you talking about thanksgiving!!" I said feeling offended. 

"Man! Pops you need to go to church." Jr. said.  

"Going to church has nothing to do with this conversation, besides I have a bible." Dad said as he let the food cool down. 

"so...what are we gonna do about ma?" I asked 

"ughm, let's not talk about this right now, everyone go get cleaned up." He said rubbing the back of his neck in frustration. 

"Fine" I sighed as We all dragged ourselves upstairs to wash our hands.

Jays POV

         I fixed everyone's plate and set them out onto the table.  I made Beys plate just incase.  I took a deep breath as I entered the sitting room where bey was sprawled out on the sofa.

"Bey" I said as I set the plate down in front of her.   She just layed there looking at me when she started crying again.

This happened every time she stared at me or if I was near her. 

"Its okay, it's not your fault..maybe it was meant to be." I said holding her-rocking back and fourth as she cried and utter words that I couldn't understand. 

   I got her to eat some of her food but she didn't eat all of it. So I called the only person I knew who could get her back in her right state of mind......Mrs.Tina

Chance's POV

          Jr and I were going through our clothes and writing down what we wanted for Christmas. 

"I'm getting the bred 11's." Jr. said smiling

  "I am to" I stated trying to fit in. 

"Stop trying to be like me."  Jr. said mugging me. 

I really think he hates me. "Do you not like me?" I asked fingering my sweat pants. 

"What are you talking about?" Jr. asked as he glanced at me. 

"You're just so mean to me" I stated as I sat down on the floor. 

"I be mean for a reason and the reason is for  you to not be a punk, Just know that I love you but I just don't show it often ok?" Jr. said placing his hand on my shoulder.

"Ok" I said acting like I understood when I didn't I just like when he talk to me like I'm a grown up instead of a baby

"Well let's finish going through these clothes.." Jr. said breaking the awkwardness

Trey's POV

          I stood outside on the deck of Brooklyn's window waiting for her to open the door.   "Brook-".   

"Happy now?" she asked sliding her window open. 

I smiled in confirmation.  

"What do you want?" She asked leaning against the wall.  

"I missed you." I said walking towards her slowly. 

"nope time for you to goo!" she said pointing towards the door. 

"come on let's  chill." I said taking a sit on her king sized bed. 

"Hell naw I don't chill that's how you make chill-dren so can you kindly leave.".  Brook said going towards her bedroom door.

"Stop pushing me away! I don't wanna be your play brother or your friend if you gone give me a label call me your man I'm tired of playing games with you and I know you want me just as much as I want you." I said now standing. 


"Shut up." I said pushing her against the wall and started leaving love marks all over her neck...

End Of POV

I know some of y'all mad at me for waiting this long to update........sorry for that though
Hope you liked this chap



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