That's Why You Gotta Work It Out

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Trey's POV

          I watched as they all grabbed their suitcases and entered a beach house.

I waited a few minutes to get out because I didn't want to seem like a creep.    I walked up to the door and thought of something to say but nothing came to my interest.  I was about to knock on the door when the door flew open and there stood Jr. and Chance in swimm wear.  

"Hey mrs. neverson." Chance shouted running towards the water. 

"Its Mr.Neverson and my mom is in the dining room." Jr. said correcting his brother as he ran off as well. 

"Watch your brother man." I yelled making sure he heard me. 

I slowly entered the house and saw Brook sitting on the laptop facing somebody. 

"You bastard!" she said as she came and gave me a hug.  

"Hey, where's your mom?" I asked as we both released from the hug she pointed to somewhere but I just went with what my gut told me and started searching for myself.   

    I saw a woman sitting down at a piano looking at music with puffy blonde hair.  Obviously it was bey.  I placed my hand gently on her shoulder but she didn't pay me anymind. 

"Bey.." I said softly she peered up at me her eyes where all red and she had boxes of tissue in front of her, "You shouldn't stress, it's bad for the baby." I said as I took a seat next to her.  

"He was my life....besides my children if I don't have them all together,  My husband, my kids, and I then there's nothing to live for." she said as she wrote on some  papers. 

"Don't say that you have to enjoy time while you're here, you only got one life to live." I said referring to the baby inside her, she should have precious memories, she should be glowing. 

   "Come on, go take you a shower and get the funk off ya and I'll go get the kids where gonna have some fun!" I said as I rubbed my hands together.

She sat there for a moment but she got up

"I'm only doing this because I'm tired of crying and If I go you have to buy us popeyes." Bey said laughing slightly through her tears, leaving me in the room as she went to get dressed.  

Got that off my checklist. 

I went back out to see brook still on that laptop making faces and shit. 

"Go get dressed, and take a shower we going out." I said as I walked outside to see them playing in the sand. 

"Mommy put you out?" Chance asked as he dusted the sand off of him. 

0No little man, but your mommy wants yall two to go get dressed." I said 

"No one calls me little man but my dad." Chance said throwing sand at me.   

"Cut that out!" Jr. said trying to discipline Chance as they both ran off into the house.


We drove around town for a few until I saw a party going on inside an arcade. 

"Yall want to go to an arcade?" I asked 

"NO!"  Brook and Bey yelled.  

"Why come?" Chance asked taking his seatbelt off. 

"Because yall be running off too much." she Brook said running her fingers through her hair.  

"Yall some lames we going anyway." I said parking the car. 

"But someone is celebrating their birthday here." Bey said leaning against the car. 

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