Let The Pranks Begin

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Jr.'s POV

"You know how your sister like hotwings?" Dad asked as he got out of the computer chair and walked into the kitchen area and took out rice crispys.  

He started putting different seasonings and barbecue sauce on them as he warmed them up on the stove.  

"So what yall gone do?" Chance asked now sitting in Ma's lap playing with her earrings. 

"We gone try and make these look like the real ones." Dad said as he turned the stove off and got out some hot sauce, "Come look." he said as he started shaping the Rice crispys treats like chicken nuggets.   

"Now Move them all out of shape, but make it look like chicken." Dad continue to explain as he handed me one. 

I did as I was told as he layered the ones that we already did with some type of hot sauce.   

"What do I do?" Chance asked feeling left out you could see it all over his face. 

"You'll persuade her to eat them." Dad said as he got out the real hotwings and put five pieces on everybodys plate. 

"I'm eatting for two I'll take the whole box." Mom said laughing at her own joke.  

"Go get your sister." he whispered to me.  

Brooklyn's POC

I already knew I was gone get in more trouble I turned off the Tv and turned the light on waiting for them to come and tell me stop being mean to my siblings because one day I'm going to really need them and they're not gone come.  

Like Really I don't need my brothers to help me with anything. I thought to myself.  When jr. came bursting into the door. 

"Daddy got hot wings!" Jr. yelled excitedly.  

"Brook come eat!" Dad yelled from the kitchen area. 

Ok this is weird.  I slowly walked into the kitchen watching very closely for a belt or anything that could hurt me but I just saw them all sitting at the table eating. 

I licked my lips as I picked up the piece of chicken getting ready to bite into when everyone was starring at me. 

"baby look" Mama said starring at something on her foot.   

"If you don't want your food can I have it?" he asked smiling widely.  

"No this is my food, that's your food" I said bitting into the chicken quickly as the taste of sweets mixed with spicyness took over. 

I quickly spit out my food and saw they had pranked me.   

"Really? yall are so immature" I said sitting there. 

But They all just sat there laughing at me. 

"Now you know not to laugh at your brother." he said laughing harder.

"Its okay babe, here." she said handing me another plate with regular hotwings. 

"I'm good" I said as I got up not feeling hungry anymore.   

I slammed the door as I sat down on the bed. 

They always do this when Chance or jr.  tells them something I done did. Maybe I should just go silent for the rest of the day.    

My mom came in a little later holding her stomach, "Slam this door again and I'll slam you, you don't pay for nothing in here am I right or wrong?" she asked standing there. 

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