It's A Gift

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We starting from where we left off.

Jay's POV

"Jay I wanna abort- "

I cut her off because I already knew where she was going with this. 

"Why? you know that's my baby too, I have a say on this"  I said because we all know if I yelled at her she would have yelled back and it would have turned into a yelling  competition. 

"You don't own me, You don't have a say on nothing I do thats going on with MY body." she said folding her arms together

"Oh so my seed isn't in you right now, ok well who you been with?"  I asked sarcastically she must be out of her mind if she think she aborting a baby, my baby at that. 

"What? so now you acussing me of cheating?" Bey scoffed shaking her head looking at me.

"No I'm accusing my self of cheating, I'm asking you if you've been cheating since I don't have a say on if you can abort it or not so whose is it?"  I semi-yelled and I know I shouldnt have said that because now she over here crying

"How could you?!" she sobbed

How could I, How could you? I thought to myself. 

"Bey no it's how could you, that's a gift from god and you just wanna do what? kill it, that's know what I'm taking the kids and were leaving for a- " I started for the bedroom door but Bey stopped me.

" No Shawn You not taking my kids away from me, don't you dare!  do that to me." She breaking down more said standing up but the tears remained. 

"You see how I feel now don't you, killing our child and taking them away is almost the same thing and I know you think you can't handle four kids but your doing great so far" I said now trying to convince her.

"What about the tour, what about the interviews, the photo shoots I can't do all of that." She sighed sitting down.

"So you choosing work over your kids? because I could've sworn a couple days ago you said 'My chile comes first bew!' " I said trying to mock her.  But it only made her laugh and Im dead ass serious.   

"I'm not choosing work over my kids, Jay I said I don't know if I can do it." she said looking down at her hands.

"Alright I'll give you until midnight to tell me your final choice even though, you really have no choice." I said pointing my finger at her, "just know if you tell me you wanna abort it.. don't go no where near him or her only if your feeding them"  I said walking out of the room.


     I got up and went downstairs to see the Tv off and the kids sitting there on the same couch beside each other and that's some you'll rarely see.

"Why yall look like somebody died for, cheer up before I bring lucky over here"  I said referring to TyTy's petbull he got. 

"Awe not that big ass dog daddy I'm straight I'm so straight that the Struggle is great.".she said sitting up and putting a goofy ass smile on her face. 

"Daddy I'm still hungry, so if you don't mind excuse me sir." he said moving me out the way. 

"I'll uppa cut  ya boy push me again"  I yelled he tried to push me again but it only felt like he was tapping me with his little ass and the led to us play fighting.  

"I won!"  I yelled out loud making him look towards the stairs before he put his index finger on my mouth. 

"Sh daddy mommy upstairs." he whispered.  

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